
Anything good on television in the socialist utopia of Venezuela?

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How is asking if anything is good on TV in a country that's government just shut down a TV station because of its political views a reflection of my knowledge about a country.




  1. They didnt shut it down, that is just a lie, they just decided not to renew their concesion to air in the national free signal because of their irreguarities. RCTV (the TV station) keeps their crew, their buildings, equipments, etc, the still can air in cable TV, but their probem is that no one is willing to pay to see RCTV :P

  2. It's obvious from your questions about Venezuela that you know nothing about Venezuela.

  3. They just have started exercising their own version of the "Patriot" Act.

    We will be seeing the same sort of thing here, but with totalitarianism instead of socialism.

  4. Chavez shut it down.  It is ridiculous to say "they" (who is "they"??) just did not renew its license.  And also more ridiculous to say, oh, the TV station wasn't making money so they just moved it to cable.  Why were there thousands of people in the streets protesting the closing of the station?  Again, there is no "they"--there is only Chavez.  People who love Chavez only want and need a strong father figure--someone like Francisco Franco or Juan Peron.  They were very successful at closing TV stations.  So this is a very good question: what is good on Venezuelan TV?

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