
Anything i should do before my first track meet tommorow??

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im on track and field. its our first meet of the year tommorow. we had to tell our couch the two events we would like to do and i said 4 by 2 and 100 meters but she may put me in 4 by 1, 4 by 2, long jump, or mile run.

anything i should do? i wake up at 6 am and the meet is after school starting at like 4:30 - 6:30.

how much should i eat sleep? etc.

im jst nervous b/c we are versing one of the best schools right off the bat on our first meet. lol

any suggestionss




  1. Drink TONS of water. Up until about 20 minutes before your race. And load up on any kind of pasta (carbohydrates will supply you with tons of energy). Sleep very well, and relax. You'll do great.

  2. Eat a good breakfast and lunch. Make sure you are eating healthy foods and stay hydrated. Then don't have too much if anything for the last hour before your meet. Just sip gatoraid or water and have a light snack if you need something. Make sure to warm up well before your event..don't go into your race cold. Keep your head in the meet and cheer for your teammates. Somehow if you stay focused on the meet I think you will do better and it will give your teammates encouragement. Get everyone to cheer for everyone else!!

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