
Anything other than monistat?

by Guest60836  |  earlier

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is there any other cure for yeast infections, other than antibiotics and monistat?




  1. There is always an alternative - how do you think women dealt with it before anti0fungal creams were invented? ;)

    My favorite way is garlic. Yes, garlic. Take a freshly peeled clove of garlic - try not to nic it, the juice I've heard can sting a bit - and stick it up there. Change it everyday. I used to use powdered garlic in gel caps simply for easy storage, but if you go that route, there will be a lot of nasty discharge so it's best to use a pad during that. If you're worried about the garlic clove getting stuck, put it in a piece of cheesecloth, tie a string to the end, and use it like a mini-tampon.

    Leave it in for 1-3 days after symptoms clear up to make sure it won't come back.

    Alternatively, and I haven't tried this one, use yogurt. Plain, unsweetened yogurt. The best means of using this one is to take a surgical glove - like they use at the doctor's office - and fill each finger with yogurt. Stick it in the freezer. Tah dah! 5 vaginal suppositories! Use 2-3 times a day. The cold of it will help relieve the itching. There will be lots of discharge, so use a pad and change it often.

  2. There's a pill I used to always get from my OBGYN that worked wonders.  It's a one dose pill for yeast infections (and if need be, you can have it refilled for another dose).  It's called "Diflucan" and it works really really well!!  

  3. Actually, antibiotics make yeast infections worse.  Your v****a needs a healthy balance of bacteria and yeast.  When you're on antibiotics, that kills off even the healthy bacteria that is meant to be there and the yeast takes over.  Eating yogurt with live cultures will help reintroduce healthy bacteria to your system.  If you already have a yeast infection, I don't know if it helps but I've always been told to make sure to eat yogurt during/after a course of antibiotics to prevent an infection.

  4. THERE IS AND you take it orally!!! You can get it at any pharmacy/ drug store! I Love the Miracle Of "AZO" a Yeast Infection Pill!!!!!! A pill that does work, and allows you not to mess with all those messy creams. You have to read, and stick to the instructions. Not only does this pill treat yeast infections, but it also helps prevent yeast infections. I have had many in a lifetime and let me just say it works. Now....if you have to use a whole bottle/carton and it doesn't take your yeast infection away. Then you should go to your Gyno. You might have a big infection that might need stronger antibiotics to kill. Until that point don't worry. Good Luck, and If I can answer any more questions please feel free to ask! Also, eat more yogurt that also helps prevent yeast infections and balance you out. If you want to learn about "AZO" google it, and it will take you to their website.

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