
Anything unique or interesting about your arena?

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J. O-Blaze's question got me thinking about all the other arenas and how little I know about them or their history. Thought I'd share some facts about the Pens arena and would like to hear some about yours.

Mellon Arena, or Civic Arena as it was originally named, was built in 1961, making it the oldest hockey arena in the league. It's seating capacity was originally only 10,500 but over the decades has been increased to over 17,000. The "Igloo" as we affectionately call it, has seen the likes of Sinatra, Elvis, the Stones, and the Beatles, not to mention The Grateful Dead and Zepplin. The first show of any kind held there was the Ice Capades. The Pens didn't move in until the start of the 1967 season. The Igloo also has the world's largest retractable stainless steel dome roof, as seen in the Oscar nominated movie "Sudden Death". Here's a link to sketches of the new arena:

What cool stories does your arena tell?




  1. The outside of HSBC Arena smells like sulfur and a sewer. Its really gross.

  2. The Panthers arena is only about 7 years old. It is now called the Bank Atlantic Center. It was originally called the Office Depot Center, then the National Car Rental Center. It has two private clubs and a small venue area as well as the main arena. The opening attraction was Celine Dion. (ugh). It was built purposely with more women's restrooms then men's. It is across the street from the Sawgrass Mills Mall. Biggest mall in Florida. It is also across the highway from the Everglades. Not a bad seat anywhere in the building

  3. madison square garden is one of the coolest places i have ever been. everything about it is so cool. even the way that you can go into the garden is cool. you can get in from penn. station or from the outside. when your inside you are still kinda out side but when get you ticket checked you are really inside. it is so clean and nice inside. the first time i went there i had chills. the seats are nice just everything about it is really nice. i am pretty sure that almost every great band has played at the garden. including led zeppelin, pink floyd, the rolling stones, i think the beatles but it could have been each one of them when the went solo, etc. it seats 18,200. many historical things have happened at the garden, too many to list but here is a link-

    seriously i really think it is the worlds most famous arena. it is so awesome it deserves to be

  4. A few years ago, before a Sabres/Bruins game, the jumbotron in HSBC Arena fell to the ice.  It sounds worse that it is really - they lowered it for some maintenance, probably signage and such before it fell.  So it didn't fall all the way from the roof, but it still did some damage.  They replaced the screens on it and now it shows replays in high definition.  It's pretty sweet.

    Here are a bunch of cool arena tidbits for the NHL arenas:

  5. That miserable old goat Ballard used to actually live in Maple Leaf Gardens.

    I'm trying to find a pic of the "bunker".....

  6. The Joe Louis Arena has a enormous shrine dedicated to Mr. Hockey right inside the Gordie Howe entrance.  The Steve Yzerman entrance will soon yield the same.

    Gordie's statue is rediculous

  7. No. the RBC center is a nice arena though, and a lot of visitors wonder if it's brand new. It's not, opened in 99.  But it feels new and is kept nice and up to date.

    the one I'm going to be going too now is the Clarkson University Cheel Arena. It has a seat for every member of the student body (3000) and the building it's in is the student union. And students get in free.

  8. SPRINT CENTER in kansas city.

    They just built it..its about a year old...if even.

    Its so new and amazing. Its the best arena by far that ive been in.  The seats are like like movie theater seats.. even up in the nosebleed section.

  9. Well, other than the roof that can open you pretty much mentioned a lot of the arena.

    I'm gonna miss the igloo when it's torn down. :( poor building.

  10. My home arena has a pretty interesting story!

    I had season tickets, I loved the team!


    Now the arena gets 1200 people for AHL games.

    (Disgruntled Ex-Whaler Fan)

  11. Glad I could get your mind thinking.My arena is brand new as of last year. We had Bon Jovi and My Chemical Romance opened up our opening season last year. We made the playoffs the first year in the new place. And a new Turnpike exit was added with a train station to get there. And in 2009 we brought the Cup to Newark NJ.

    EDIT: If had the pleasure to sit in seats at all levels and there is not a bad seat in the house from the back wall to the glass. But I'd be lying if I didn't say the Luxury box wasn't my favorite.



  14. The Flyers' home is known as the Wachovia Center.  But, the orignal name was the CoreStates Center, after CoreStates bank.

    Then, CoreStates was bought by First Union, and it became, for a time, the First Union Center... or the F U Center for short.

    The name stood until First Union was bought by Wachovia.


  16. Its the ACC. That pretty much makes it the best arena in the world!

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