
Anything wrong with me or my weight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 years old and I've been trying to lose weight over the summer for school. But i'm pretty sure I'm losing weight but gaining muscle. I used to wear size 36/30 jeans. I now wear 34/30 and they are beginning to become loose. Is this good?




  1. no, it's terrible.  gaining muscle is bad for sports--you'll get cramps and charley horses real easy.  gaining muscle is bad for your social life--chicks dig the smooth soft cool feel of rolls of supple fat, not the hard angular feel of well defined muscle.  gaining muscle wrecks your health--you've heard of "fat soluble vitamins" right?  there are no "muscle soluble vitamins"!  start eating lots of doughnuts, today!

  2. Good for you. I am doing the same!!! Continue!!!!

    If you need some more info e-mail me


  3. Dont work out u should just run and walk around the block and stuff alot becuase if u work out u will get muscle but not if u just run or walk

  4. Yes!!

    Keep doing what your doing!!

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