
Anytime I buy groceries my Mom eats them?

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I currently live with my Mother, which has been great! We get along like best friends and she's really respectful of my space. However, anytime I buy things like ice cream, beef jerky, sandwich makings, sunflower seeds, alcohol, etc. All of these things she doesn't buy. She's kind of a health freak but late at night she has no problem delving into my food. I do NOT have the money to let this behavior continue. I've talked to her about it and she just shrugs it off like I'm joking! I don't know what to do anymore! It's not fair that because she can't respect my wishes, I can't eat what I want! Any ideas?




  1. you could lock non-perishables up in a foot locker in your room or in your car trunk?

  2. Ok if you are 28 why are you still living with your mother?

  3. Well, I would just suggest that you only buy the snacks that are on sale that week.Buy one get one free offers or half off sales.That way you don't cost extra money or hurt feelings for mom.Afterall, I am sure there were plenty of times when you were growing up that she put her choices back on the shelf for yours.It is just a compromise for family.I have a pretty big family and comprpmise is not to hard to get used to.

    Good luck to you!

  4. You say you live with your mother?  Do you pay rent?  Do you help with the electric and heating bills?  Do you eat your meals there?  

    Have you ever lived on your own where you had to pay for all of these things?  

    If you are not helping your mother with these things, there are two words that will describe your actions.  The first starts with F  and the second starts with L.     You are "free" to figure out if this is a "loaded" answer.

    It sounds to me that you wanted to get some of these answers you are now complaining about.  You did NOT say you were paying rent nor did you say you are back for the summer.  If you want only the answers that please you, don't ask them on Y/A   One sure way you can keep mama out of YOUR things is to get an apartment.    I got a feeling you can count your blessings that mama did not feel this way about your getting into her stuff when you were younger.

  5. Get a replacement doorknob with a keyed lock on your closet door and on your bedroom door. The closet becomes a safe for you. Run a heavy duty electric cord to the closet and put a small fridge in there.

    Basically, your mother is still an addict for these things, but has quit buying... so she mooches off of you.  Ever see this behavior in a smoker? They are "trying to quit, so they quit buying, and as a result they stand around bumming cigs off other smokers!

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