
Anyways what is a 9/11 truther?

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So lets get this right they are people who believe they have found a truth which is not the truth so they are called truthers?

i shall have to think about this.




  1. The belief that the United States government (Bush in particular) was intelligent enough to engineer the destruction of the Twin Towers, but too stupid to plant WMDs in the Iraqi desert over a period of several years.

    It's silly.

    Best way to deal with conspiracy theories you hear about:

    1) Go read the actual documents available on-line about it put out by the group actually in charge (the government in this case).

    2) Go read the ANTI-Conspiracy group responses to the conspiracy theory (to see why what you are about to read is nonsense, if it is).

    3) Read the conspiracy sites.

    Always read all sides of things, but for goodness sake, inoculate yourself by having the necessary facts, first.

    Van Dahnikkan (writer of Chariots of the Gods) sucked in a whole generation with nonsense, selectively chose, with implications given, connections made, and absolutely minimal context to avoid any other conclusion.

    That's what conspiracies do.

  2. One who has nothing better to do than to find out the "truth" about 9/11.

  3. Someone who wears a tin foil hat.

  4. A 9/11 Truther is someone who knows the truth about 9/11, that it was an inside job by our government.

    Go to and look for more info.

  5. A nutter.

  6. People who understand that the laws of physics and probability  can't be suspended for one day.

  7. Someone who has got a grip of common sense., and decided to research the events themselves. The rest get spoon fed by their government and media. Truther's want justice for the victims and to make sure this type of stagged attack never happens again.

  8. If you don't already know, count yourself lucky and drop the whole subject.

    Scum of the earth taking advantage of people in grief over 911 and people's basic mistrust of the government to make money for themselves.

  9. its a big cover up do know one know that by now.

  10. 9/11 Truthers believe that 9/11 was an inside job committed by the United States government. There's actually a history channel special about them. You should check it out - it clears up a lot.

  11. Depends on what side you ask.

    It's either someone who is seeking some sort of truth

    independent of whether he has found something or not.

    Or it's someone who claims to have found rock solid

    evidence while he's actually talking the same quality

    of bs as FEMA.

    But that's the funny thing with rubber  evidence.

    You can stretch the c**p in both directions. It of course

    doesn't get any better just because you change the

    direction you stretch it in.

  12. Basically it is those people who believe the designers of the towers who state that they will stand up to aircraft impact.

    My reason for disbelieving the US government statements is that the two towers both fell neatly into their basements, with minimal damage to the surrounding buildings and infrastructure. A purely random fall, which would have been created by the damage caused by the collision, would have had both buildings fall in different directions and across over 1000 feet of New York.

  13. Just another whacked out conspiracy theorist who thinks that Bush and or the government either knew it was going to happen or even caused it to happen.

  14. That video that Osama sent us.


    this is one...

    idk what it is either...=]

    I think I shall read this too find out

  16. Bobby my boy that is what I call my WMD ''truther''

    "' Now truther settle down I have work to do behave yourself thruther''

    Bobby do you know why all man have a name ''for it'' It does most of our thinking for us it might as well have a name

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