
Ap biology homework??

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discuss the structural adaptations that function in oxygen exchange between each of the following organisms and its environment.

- a plant

- an insect

- a fish

Trace a molecule of O2 from the environment to a muscle cell in a vertebrate of your choice

Compare the human primary immune response with the secondary immune response to the same antigen.




  1. Plant: It has stomata to allow the exchange of gasses with the environment but because it produces its own oxygen it does not have to exchange oxygen with the external environment.

    Insect: Has a system of trachea or air tubes. The trachea are lined with chitinous rings to ensure that they are always open. The smaller branches or tracheoli have a fluid droplet at their ends in which the oxygen can dissolve. The openings of the stigmata have a sphincter muscle which regulates the in and out flow of gasses

    fish: The gills are richly supplied with a system of blood vessels to absorb oxygen from the water.The gills have a large surface to ensure maximum absorption. The mouth is wide to allow maximum influx of water over the gills..

    Pathway of O2 in human.

    nose,sinus,trachea,bronchus,bronchiolu... wall,tissue fluid,blood vessel endothelium,dissolves in blood plasma or combines with red blood cell,pulmonary vein,left atrium of heart,left ventricle,aorta,cardiac artery,cardiac capillary,heart muscle cell membrane,muscle cell.

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