
ApA ????????????????

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Sorry they told me i was rude for useing caps??




  1. I am not familiar with them, but what dj is describing is slop pool.

    If someone thought were rude for using caps, it's because in computer talk, it means you are yelling!.I'msure you know.

    I saw your response to the girl that was going to the "pool" party with her bikini, Did you see mine?, anyway I really cracked up, when she thought we were "perves", for it..

  2. Well, I think I may be able to help a little bit...

    8-ball first:

    1. 8 on the break is a win (unless you scratch, then it's spotted)

    2. If you make a ball on the break, that's what you are, whether or not you make the next shot

    3. If you make one of each, the table is still open

    4. If you scratch on the break, the other player takes ball in hand behind the headstring...otherwise, a scratch is ball in hand anywhere on the table

    5. Yes, slop counts as long as you hit your ball first (except in Masters, which is non-handicapped's call-shot)

    6. You lose if you scratch while shooting the 8 (even if it doesn't go)


    1. No push-out after the break (except in Masters)

    2. No three-fouls

    General rules:

    1. No jump sticks (except in Masters)

    2. Balls off the table are spotted (and knocking a ball off the table is not a foul)

    Umm...that's about all I can think of right now...I might add more later :)

    Okay, handicaps...8-ball is on a scale of 2-7. Then the race is determined by the skill levels of the players. If two 7s play, it's a 5-5 race. if a 7 plays a 2, it's a 7-2 race. 9-ball is a scale of 1-9, and the races don't change...It's based on points instead (each ball is a point, 9-ball is 2)...A 1 goes to 14 points, a 9 goes to 75, and everyone else is in between.

    Also, a little more about's a race to 7, but it's both 8-ball and 9-ball. The winner of the lag decides which to play first. It's 5 games of 8-ball and 8 games of 9-ball, but you stop when someone gets to technically, you could just play 9-ball if you go ahead and play it first and win 7-0 or 7-1.

    Also, a note about handicaps...5 people play in a match, and their handicaps can't add up to more than 23...which makes it necessary to have lower-ranked players...8-ball is easier for us because Hubby's a 7 instead of a 9 (it only goes to 7 in 8-ball).


  3. I have a friend that lives in Texas and plays APA. The only thing I remember about the rules that I thought was hilarious is this. If you hit one of your balls and it,or any of your balls go in, you keep shooting. All you got to do is hit one of yours and the rest doesnt matter. Even if its the wrong ball in the wrong pocket.

    That was my understanding, so if I am mistaken, please correct me if you are familiar with the APA rules.
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