
Apache 2.2 wont display .php index files by default

by Guest63636  |  earlier

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I have set up a WAMP server environment. And i used to be able to browse to my document root and have my index.php brought up immediately. I don't know what i did, but now index files with the .php extension do not get brought up immediately, instead a directory index appears listing out the files on the directory. I can still click through to access the index.php file but i want it to pop out automatically like it did before whenever i go to http://localhost.




  1. You need to specify it as a DirectoryIndex

  2. ummm I'm sorry I was trying to understand your problem. Do you mean when you open "localhost" the file "index.php" is showing up for you to save or open? right?

    see in c:/appserv/apache/conf/httpd.conf

    <IfModule mod_dir.c>

        DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php3


    post again if not be solved.

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