
Apart from Holstein pills what is a safe alcoholic drink for diabetics?

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Apart from Holstein pills what is a safe alcoholic drink for diabetics?




  1. Holstein pills??? something with milk or cream in it? Milk makes my glucose shoot for the moon.

    Sometimes I have beer or wine, very rarely anything else. If I can get the bartender to make me a sour Margarita, I will have that. Most of them use a pre-mix syrup so that leaves me shooting for the moon.

    Beer and wine are ok but in extreme moderation - one for women and maybe 2 for men if they are large men.

    Usually I have a "Windmill Cocktail"   water with crushed ice in a fancy glass.  

  2. Hey I've got Diabetes Type 1,

    I usually drink vodka mixed with diet drinks,

    it's really important to take it slow though and monitor how it's affecting your sugar levels. It takes a while to learn how your body will react cause it's different for everyone!

  3. My best Friend is diabetic, he often drinks clear spirits (gin or vodka) with diet tonic water.

    Diet tonic water is one of those rare drinks that doesn't really  taste worse than the real thing.

  4. I usualy drink vofka & diet or gin & water. With wines I drink the dry whites mostly. I,m a diabetic type 1  for over 10 years.

  5. Most alcohol (in limited quantities) is safe it's the mixers you have to watch out for. Anything with sugar added is not good.

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