
Apart from answering questions how do i get points doing this and how do i make others get points.?

by  |  earlier

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therers sum wicked answers who derseve loads of points




  1. u get points for answering questions and to give points u click on to the thumbs up if u agree with what they say if u disagree with there answers u put a thumbs down...

  2. get best answesr and give out best 2 me =D

  3. There are some wicked anaswers who deserve more points dear.

  4. Keep answering questions and hopefully get 'best answers'.  To make other participants get points award 'best answer'.  It works both ways.  It's good to get some positive feedback and I agree there are some really great answers on here.  I have been given some really good advice re computer problems I have experienced.  Keep enjoying the site.

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