
Apart from fiddling about on this site what else could i find for myself to do?

by  |  earlier

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possibly something that is a bit more productive and will have something to show for it at the end

because if i dont conciously make a decision to drag myself away from here,i will be here all day and evening

Any constructive suggestions anyone?

[NO housework suggestions please]




  1. 1) a job might be helpful, and earn you some money.

    2) learn poker and join an online poker site.

    3) find a copy of the Anarchists Cookbook and read it, incase you ever need to make a pipebomb, make bullets from scratch,  or grow various hallucinagenic mushrooms (for medicinal purposes of course)

  2. Push rocks up a hill.

  3. Just Answers on Yahoo, or the internet in general? usually always does the trick for me, lol.

    Or, if you want to get away from the computer, take a nice walk? Research different hobbies online that you could take up? Write?

    Have fun!

  4. i think it's up to you to choose whatever you want to do,just shut down your computer and stay away from it,take a walk

    go to the movies,go buy a book,so many things you can do,

    but it's up to you...

  5. Try writing short stories.  there are plenty of Yahoo groups that cater for story writing, and you have something to show for it.  It's amazing how writing stories increases your language skills; vocabulary and self-expression particularly.

  6. Check out the library. Take a walk. Help someone.

  7. Write a story using some of the information you look up.

  8. Funny!  I was just about to suggest that you clean your messiest part of the house until I saw the NO HOUSEWORK part.  I don't blame ya.  Housework is a drag!  Go to somewhere like Micheal's or Hobby Lobby and get the stuff to do some sort of craft.  From your avatar, I would suggest that you make something scary for Halloween.  Cheers!

  9. If you are going to be online anyway, you can build a website and sell things.  If you don't know how, there are too many places that will show you how for free.

    No matter what, determine what it is you want to accomplish and just do it.

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