
Apart from greed (financial gain) and religion what are other causes of war ?

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greed includes greed for land




  1. Tribalism

  2. Megalomaniacal tyrants (like Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama).

    Racial division.

    Economic concerns including control of natural resources like oil, coal and diamonds.

    Fear of attack.

  3. Power of military and aerospace, commodities , control of the population and exploitation of the people who walk the earth in our forefathers shadows..Money is expendable and can be restructured withing a society of any stature.

  4. all war is about power and money


  6. *Politics*

    * Land claims*

    (though for the last century, majority of wars I notice revolve more around social ideologies; that rival factions attempt to impose UPON the land..  the land in itself just being the grounds where the battle takes place)

    *Ethnic tensions*  

    Usually when a struggling majority rises up against a well off and possibly corrupt minority.  Starts up as rebellion and transforms into civil war through time.

    *Border conflicts*  

    Not common but, these kinds of wars have happened in the past 50 years.  Such examples are SE Asia, South America, and South Africa.

  7. Prejudice.

  8. Uh, it's not true that religion causes war.

    It's not always greed, exactly, unless you count the desire not to starve as being greedy.

    People fight over resources, over power, and over past grievences.

    One thing you might do to pursue this (complex) question would be to focus on a variety of specific wars, and explore the causes of each.

    WWII, for instance, was about power (running the world), and racial hatred; versus those who didn't want to be taken over.

    In other words, the phrase "causes of war" is somewhat misguided; think "causes of WARS" -- then you can see what patterns and commonalities there are, if any.

    Heck one of the top 3 reasons for Bush warring on Iraq, was his desire to fight and win a war, and go down in history books as a "Great President" and "War President."

    (Money into Haliburton's pockets, was Cheney's primary motivation; for Rumsfeld, it was getting permanent bases in that area.)

    If you can understand the causes of WWI, do let me know. I doubt anyone really gets that one!

  9. civilization, power, competition, WOMEN (trojan war)...

  10. Didn't the Greeks go to war with the Trojans for a woman. and George W. Bush went to war with Iraq because he thought Saddam tried to kill his dad.

  11. Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the biggest of them all because no matter what someone is fighting for or against it is always started to gain or prevent power.

    Take for instance, the war in Iraq & Afganistan.  There are a lot of factors in the war but in the end, it comes down to who is the more powerful, who can win and what they can gain from it.

    In the terrorist attacks all over the world, there may be certain factors controlling the need to attack people, but in the end it is to show who is the most powerful and that they have control.

    In religion it is about who's religion is right and why someone elses is wrong.  But in the end it is all about who has the biggest following and who has the most power & control.

    It can be small wars involving only a few people and it can also be wars involving the whole world, but in the end it always comes down to power and who has the most!!!

    The worst thing about wars, is the majority of people who are caught up in them, the innocent who are killed or wounded because of war.  The men & women who fight to control those wanting more control or who fight for the rights of others.

    We are all just porns in the fight against the powerful, we sometimes dont realise we are fighting with them to help them succeed in their own fight for more power!

  12. Ignorance ..........................

  13. Nature! I suppose that one day a clever physicist may come up with the formula for this but for now you need a little common sense. Nature is ruthless. It always seems to level things one way or another. The three factors that regullate population are famine, disease, and if they dont work War!

  14. Fear and ignorance also cause wars.  Fear of the unknown is with us from a very young age, and if mankind doesn't use its intellect to try and overcome this ignorance and see the world through the eyes of others, then the lack of understanding will be perpetuated and conflicts will remain.

  15. Power. We want power. We want to be number one. Nationalism.

  16. Marxism, succeeded by the Soviet ideology, distinguished the just and unjust war. Just war was considered to be slave rebellions, or national liberation movements, while an unjust war carried the imperialistic character. Smaller armed conflicts are often called riots, rebellions, coups, etc.

    When one country sends armed forces to another, allegedly to restore order or prevent genocide, or other crimes against humanity, or to support a legally recognized government against insurgency, that country sometimes refers to it as a police action. This usage is not always recognized as valid, however, particularly by those who do not accept the connotations of the term.

    A Fault Line War is a war that is fought between two or more civilizations. The issue at stake in a fault line war is very symbolic for at least one of the groups involved.

  17. GREED is the only reason for it, period. Religion, freedom, democracy, FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM (ring a bell?), "destruction of weapons of mass destruction", nationalism, pride, respect, honor, etc, etc, are simply lies and false arguments given by leaders to the people in order to gain their support... Ignorance, fear and fanaticism are tools used by the governments to control the governed.

  18. Natural characteristics of human beings that can not be changed.

  19. men are born with an in-built desire to fight. it is absolutely natural and there is nothing to stop it.

    we also fight over territory if we feel that other people are in breach of it. we like to protect our families to the death, to make sure that people aren't going to walk over us.

    this reminds me of a song by adele, called 'hometown glory.' it talks about the 'hometwon', being the community, standing as one and that they will not take any **** from anybody else.

  20. power. either ability to rule over enemies, or keeping own population subdued "for the war effort".

  21. None!!! its all about making money.  War is the biggest money making industry on earth. Look back through history and you will see there has never been a year without many wars going on. Private bankers own the leaders of the world, money, our food and water are private businessmen who include the Rothschild's, Morgans and Rockfallas. They started the 1st, 2d world wars as well as the last depression. They fund both sides in a war. They funded Hitler and Stalin. Wars are started to make millions for the private businessmen who run the world, we are cattle fodder to them. That's why there will always be wars. It doesn't matter who you vote for because they decide who wins elections. What you need to realise is that your vote doesn't count. Its a fix computerised or not. So called different politicians are different horses from the same stable! They play out a theatrical game in front of the public to hoodwink us into believing that we have a choice and that our vote actually counts! This is brainwashing! Lets wake up!!! Don't listen to what the mainstream media tell you, because its all lies! Don't believe me? do your own research and go to you tube and type in Clinton Curtis computer voting machine and you will see the inventor of the voting machines under oath swearing in court that the machines have been programmed to fix the voting.

  22. That time of the month can kick things off mega in my house.

  23. I don't know "Can't everybody JUST get along"?

  24. pride

  25. Mad leadership. Having a clinically insane dictator does not help.

  26. Alliances.

    WWI and WWII are really good examples of this.

    When a large country pisses off a small country (by killing the archduke, disagreeing about religion, or land, or whatever) if the small country didn't have allies, they wouldn't have any chance so they wouldn't start a war, but since they know they have allies to help them, they go ahead and invade.

  27. Political eg the cold war where the super powers fought by proxy ie supporting opposite sides in the wars of little countries. We are regularly told how evil North Korea is. Are we really supposed to take this seriously? They tell us that North Korea supports terrorism. The USA dropped two atomic bombs, killed two million Vietnamese as well as Koreans and then they funded Bin Laden aswell as many others.

    We are the west and like ourselves and believe our own rhetoric. Perhaps we shouldn't.

    Actually, the peace movements in say USA and UK are usually huge. Even in the UK a hundred thousand will turn up for a demonstration. It looks as if Government and the people truly can be separated.

  28. Hatred, xenophobia.

  29. Nationalism, ethnic independence, drug trade, humanitarianism, control of natural resources, alien invasion

  30. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

    Jimi Hendrix

  31. All wars are about land.  Even the so-called religious wars are about land.  Wars attributed to financial gain are about land.  Land is the cause of all wars.

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