
Apart from hitting punching bags what other way should a boxer train in the gym?

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Apart from hitting punching bags what other way should a boxer train in the gym?




  1. run cardio lift weights

  2. For fitness do sprints on a tredmill, run at 9mph (around 15kmph) for 2 minutes then a slow jog for a minute then back up to 9mph, This simulates doing a "round" in boxing the best way you can. Also a lot of trainers stay away from hitting the weights but I personaly want to keep adding size and power so hit the gym 4 times a week along side 2-3 days kickboxing ad i'm improving every week.

  3. focus mits and gloves, speed bag, heavy bag, sparing, and

    go to and look at the exercise of the day

  4. First try rope skipping to warm up. This can be substituted by running.

    Then you should do some mobility exercises (fast movement to increase mobility and strength)

    After that do some rounds of shadow boxing in front of a mirror. Try to control your movemets for a proper technique. While learning new techniques and punch combinations first move slowly then speed up. Also practice you foot movement. Watch yourself in the mirror and correct yourself.

    Then you should proceed to sparring. Select yourself a task in each round and try to reach that task. (For example dodging and throwing right hooks). Don't overdo it because this raises the risk of injury. Six rounds are the maximum for a beginner.

    After that hit the bag.

    Finally do some strength workout. Try to train all groups of muscles (don't forget the back). After that stretch out properly to ready your muscles for the rest after training.

    In addition to the training at the gym you should run some long distance twice a week (5- 10 km, I personally do 8 km) to increase your stamina.

    You see just hitting the bag is a quite one-sided training.

    Good luck.

    Please excuse any grammar errors, but english is not my first language.

  5. While highly valuable, hitting the bags are only a small part of a boxer's training regimine.  

    CARDIO:  Running is a must, along with shadowboxing in front of the mirrors, jumproping, and stair-stepping.

    STRENGTH:  Weightlifting is used by lots of boxers, as long a "bulk" isn't your goal.  Bulky fighters oftentimes put on unnecessary weight, giving themselves a strong disadvantage.  Not too many thick, muscle-bound champions in our history, are there?  That's why bodybuilders don't become wrestlers and boxers.

    SPARRING:  A boxer's REAL training.  Getting in the ring, setting your timing just right, working on footwork, defense, and absorbing shots (although, while wearing heavier clothes, bigger gloves, and headgear).  

    This, paired with plenty of sleep, good diet, and devotion of time (every day) should yield good results.  Good luck to you.

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