
Apart from joining drama classes how can I improve my chances of having a sucessful career in acting?

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Apart from joining drama classes how can I improve my chances of having a sucessful career in acting?




  1. I would have two suggestions.  First read a lot of great plays, and practice acting the scenes on your own, trying to really understand the emotions and motivations of the characters.

    Secondly, find a place where you can really act--whether in school plays, community theaters, or even getting together with friends who have a similar interest and putting on your own plays.

    Drama classes may be helpful, but, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

  2. the person who said get an  agent, is right on the spot. i was in drama club in a small town so no one big saw me ( but i did get good practice), so i got an agent and BAM! i had auditions like crazy ( cuz  i asked for as much as i could handle). but just like ANOTHER person said in this post, you need thick skin. you may think " i can take rejection, psshh bring it on". thats what i thought, but when you get rejected, some times they tell you want you need to improve on and what you did wrong, and it hurts. trust me!! good luck!! =]

  3. Develop a thick skin, make sure you understand the business and how to market yourself, and develop the drive so that you won't give up if things get hard. Good luck!

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