
Apart from keeping hypochondriacs and other attention seekers out of GPs' offices, what good does quackery do?

by Guest59129  |  earlier

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"AS GP's are always complaining that they are overworked and have too many people who are not sick complaining they are ill they really should be thanking altmed practitioners for taking this load off them."

My point exactly. Let the people with nonexistent illnesses, take nonexistent treatments.

PS I ran out of letters




  1. Make money for vitamin shops and other purveyors of such nuttery.

  2. Induces the placebo effect and makes people feel much better - even though it is most unlikely to affect any underlying medical condition.

  3. If you ever think that people who go to altmed practitioners are plain hypochondriacs and the like,  you'd be in for a big surprise. Because more and more people who had so much frustrations with the treatments they get from their supposed specialists are - hold your breath - now flocking to these supposed quacks! I suggest these doctors should consider throwing their books to the shredder and find a good book on "Medical Quackery" instead, for their own good, of course...

  4. Healing of the body as a whole entity boosts the health of the nation and resolves a patient's ailments from the source.

    You sound really stressed buddy and i just can't help but offer some unsolicited advice .....  i don't mean to offend.

    Cold water fishes such as salmon and tuna are particularly rich in  EFA's and will do a brilliant job of levelling out your stress and depression levels and smoothing any mood swings you may have.

    Eat more foods rich in  these things.

    Foods rich in Tryptophan will help induce natural sleep; reduce pain sensitivity; act as a nondrug antidepressant; alleviate migraines; aid in reducing anxiety and tension and help relieve some symptoms of alcohol-related body-chemistry disorders and aid in control of alcoholism.

    Best natural food sources of Tryptophan are; cottage cheese, meat, fish, turkey, bananas, dried dates, organic peanuts and all protein rich foods.

    peace 2 u

  5. As GP's are always complaining that they are overworked and have too many people who are not sick complaining they are ill they really should be thanking altmed practitioners for taking this load off them.

    In reality they are threatened by altmed practitioners, just like you are, because they feel someone else might come along and offer something better than they can.

    Allopaths know they do not have exclusive rights to health care provision but for some strange reason feel that they ought to in spite of killing and maiming a far higher proportion of patients than any altmed therapy.

    PS. I though GP's practiced in Surgeries not offices? I guess this shows how business orientated the practice of medicine has become.


    ####My point exactly. Let the people with nonexistent illnesses, take nonexistent treatments.####

    David, I've sent people back to GP's with Signs of Serious Neuro pathology, thyroid disorders, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, etc.

    The one with Clonus and balance problems got told to go home and stop being so silly cos she was having a panic attack! This was after her refelexes were taken too!

    Is it possible GPs' miss things and write them off as hyperchondria because they either:

    - Can't be bothered?

    - Just get it wrong?

    - The patient has a condition they don't recognise/acknowledge and can't actually treat?

    - Don't recognise the symptomology as conclusive to a known patern so the patient must be lying or deluded?

    - Forget who is paying them and that they are providing a service?

    - Other reasons?

    - All of the above?

    Edit 2:

    Forgot to Add,

    People come to me with real problems and real pain often after seeing a GP first who'se done nowt but give them pain killers.

    I then treat them and get them better. Effectively I provide a better service than the GP. Whoopi Do! OK lets do a deal they refer all their patients with musculoskeltal pain to me, I wouldn't have a clue how to treat an under/over active thyroid etc. I'll refer all the brain tumors, thyroid dysfunction, other systemic stuff I can't treat to them?

    Altmed_Friend, I sympathise with your point of view but I also enjoy watching David_G make a complete idiot of himself and love to wind him up. He keeps coming up with the same old stuff, so i figure I should do the same. I always like to put a new twist on things to keep him on his toes....

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