
Apart from the Attitude era, what was your favorite era in Wrestling?

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I assume alot of people will say the attitude era, not all, but alot.

So, apart from The Attitude era, what was your favorite era in Wrestling?




  1. the golden age era was cool. glad to see your back.

  2. The New Generation Era was my favorite to watch from WWF.

    I was not a fan of the Attitude Era, really, and I did like that era a lot more. The characters were all interesting, the mid-card and main-eventers were mostly good wrestlers that can put on a great match at will. Bret Hart, Undertaker, Mankind (before he became a comedy reel), Vader, Sycho Sid (at least the gimmick), Razor Ramon, and so many other wrestlers interested me more back than in comparison to any other era.


  3. The Brock Lesnar Era

  4. the golden age era

  5. My favorite era in wrestling, besides the Attitude Era, would have to be the mid to late 80's NWA/Jim Crockett Promotions/WCW. I don't know if that has an actual "era" name to it..but that time in the promotion would be my second favorite.

    Ric Flair was on top of his game, The Four Horsemen were running things, the wrestling was unbelievable in that promotion. Not to mention the unbelievable tag team wrestling at that time with the Midnight Express, The Rock N Roll Express, Roadwarriors, SST, Arn Anderson & Tully on and so on.

    The storylines were pretty good, and the wrestling matches were way better as a whole than that in the WWF at that time. WWF was the largest company due to Hulkamania, but they didn't have near the caliber of wrestling matches like that in NWA besides a few. That promotion was action packed at that time.

  6. the 80's wrestlemania 2 was a highlight roddy piper v's mr t  classic

  7. mcmahon helmsly era

    BUT I AM...

    CRazi 4 HBK

  8. early to mid 90's  

  9. the one right after it. The McMahon-Helmsley Era.  

  10. DX era lol n mcmahon-helmsey era

    randy orton era was funny as it was well short lmao

  11. What was the name of the era before Attititude?That was a good era

  12. WCW's n.W.o era when it first started It was just to SWEET!!!!!!!


    WWF's second golden era

  13. Federation is the ONLY correct era. Ted Dibiase Sr. was a master heel.

  14. The New Generation Era. I started watching around 1994 and from that point onward I really started to get into the characters and the storylines, understanding them more. HBK back then my favorite and was the top guy. I enjoyed all of the wrestlers and characters they had back then, as well as feuds between HBK and guys like Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Razor Ramon, Vader, Bret Hart and Psycho Sid. I think I still prefer that time over the Attitude Era to be honest.

  15. McMahon-Helmsley Era!

  16. the next big thing era (brock lesner) was good  

  17. 2000 - 2004

    Look at the WWE's Roster by then

    wow sounds great to me

    Goldberg , The Rock , Stone Cold , Brock Lesnar , Matt Morgan , Jones ,  Kurt Angle , Hulk Hogan , X pac , Masked Kane , The American bad a$$ Undertaker and more and they were in their primes thats why they all rock

  18. the age of orton!

  19. the mcmahon hemsely and the corporation  

  20. im not sure what era but i love watching summerslam and wrestlemania. My fav wrestlers are Jeff Hardy and John Cena

    maybe the ecw era

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