
Apart from the Mona-Lisa what famous paintings are in the Louvre?

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I mean paintings that people in general may recognise.




  1. Soooooo many!  By Rembrant, Vermeer, Ingres, David, Gericault, and on and on.  For instance, "The raft of the Medusa" by Gericault and "The  Grand Odalisque" by Ingres.  Not to mention Raphael and daVinci's great works...

  2. Why not check it out?  Here is the Louvre website:

  3. 'The Raft of the Medusa' by Géricault

    'Oath of the Horatii' by David

    'Marie Arrives at Marseilles' by Rubens

    'Charles I at the Hunt' by Van Dyck

    'Burial at Phocion' by Poussin

    'Pilgrimage to Cythera' by Watteau

    'La Grande Odalisque' by Ingres

    'Death of Sardanopolis' by Ingres

    'Virgin of Autun' by van Eyck

    'Pietà' by unknown artist

    'The Pastoral Symphony' by Giorgione

    'The Marriage at Cana' by Veronese

    'Death of the Virgin' by Caravaggio

    'Bohémienne' by Hals

    'Les Baigneuses' by Fragonard

    'Portrait of Madame Sériziat' by David

    'Madame Rivière' by Ingres

    Danseuse sur la Scène' by Degas

    Other paintings by the above artists, including

    Géricault, David, Ingres, Poussin, Fragonard, Hals, Caravaggio, Rubens, Van Dyck, Watteau and van Eyck.

    Also make notice of some of the famous sculptures:

    'The Venus de Milo', sculpture, ancient

    'The Three Graces', sculpture, ancient

    'Nike of Samothrace' sculpture, ancient times

    The Egyptian Museum, contained within The Louvre is worthwhile to look at.

  4. Well, if they are really into art, then they will know more paintings. But, I think that the Mona Lisa is the most famous thing there.

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