
Apart from the great countries that have won the world cup, who is the best country for rugby?

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alessandro - learn to read




  1. My heart says Wales. It is part of our culture, our way of life.

  2. Fiji

  3. England.

  4. France.

  5. Well after today it is not blinking Scotland anyway, and I am very Scottish

  6. Australia

  7. i hate to say this  ,,, as an english person but  south africa are  bloody good. i mean,,,  well, they did win the world cup  didnt they? apart from that , wales is good. but   south africa are in a league of their own. they are the best ever

  8. Wales is the only other country that has dominated for a very short stint - untouchable in the 70s. If there was such a thing as a RWC in the 70s - Wales would have had their name on it.

    The Frogs certainly play enough rugby - maybe more per capita than any other country. Definitely should have been their year last year - useless coach, the new guy looks the business but.

    Edit: John B, learn to read, I hope you're not a Kiwi.

  9. Well, in South Wales you born into rugby, it is like religion in most 4 yr old can name a few players in the Welsh squad and she already has the hots for Mike Phillips!!!!

    I would say Wales and New Zealand!

  10. France

  11. the spiritiual home of rugby.

  12. south africa

  13. Ireland and Wales.

  14. Which is the best country for rugby?


    Dominating the All Blacks team.

    Dominating the NZ Sevens team, coupled with its own local team right up there.

    Dominating the rugby league scene. Rugby League World Cup- Watch this space. Toa Samoa

    Tonga and Fiji deserve a mention for league and 7s respectively but Samoa relatively has so many good players its not funny for how small their world population count is. Something like 400,000.

  15. Got to be Wales

  16. The New Zealand National Team. "THE ALL BLACKS"

    Those three words bring fear  to all their opponents!!!


  17. France!

    John B: who beat The All blacks in the last world cup?

  18. England

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