
Apartment is telling me to use one provider for cable and another for internet?

by Guest33617  |  earlier

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Just moved into a new apartment. They have relationship with ATT to provide cable service. They also have a reletionship with ATT to provide internet service. However, they directed me to two different numbers. I got my basic cable up and running. Basically a it seems to be a satellite cable box. So I called the internet folks to see I could go add on web access however, they couldn't do it over the cable line. It would have to be over the phone line. On top of that, I would have to pay $10 a month for a phone line that I would never use in order for me to get the DSL service. This sounds so shady. Is this true? How can resident get around the service agreements apartment have with cable/internet providers or am I screwed.




  1. Unfortunately being in an apartment you are screwed. If I lived in a house in my neighborhood I'd have the choice of WOW, Dish, CV, Cavtel, Comcast, AT&T, and probably a few others. But since I live in an apartment I have no choice at all. I HAVE to use Comcrap (my name for Comcast, you can tell how much I like them)  for cable. Since their prices are so high for internet after the 6 month introductory rate I have no other choice but to use AT&T for my internet.

    Yes it is true if you do not have a land line you have to pay the $10 a month for the phone you will never use to get your internet. This is not a requirement of AT&T but part of their exclusive contract with the apartment complex. In fact the FCC recently ruled that providers can NOT charge for the phone line if all you want to get is DSL. However this does not undo the contract between AT&T and your apartment complex.

    It is total bs but as you said, you are screwed, and so am I.

  2. Satellite Cable?? Do you mean the apartment complex has their own satellite dish to feed your apartment?

    I don't think that's the norm for ATT....

    The NORM for ATT is to provide cable and internet on phone lines or preferably Fiber optics to your Home. FIOS for short....

    The FACT of the matter is, no matter who you deal with, the TV and the Internet providers are TWO distinct and individual companies with their own billing and equipment setups....

    You want must have copper phone lines with your setup....

    Others may have fiber optics to the OUTSIDE of their homes and yours is to the Junction/service panel outside....

    They're both the same design.....

    And what's SO SHADY ABOUT IT?  You can't pull internet out of your BUTT....that's for sure.....

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