
Apartment living: 1st floor and second floor pros and cons?

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Unfortunately I cant afford to own, so Im stuck renting. I was curious as to what your views on 1st floor apartments and second floor apartments are. (we are talking about places that do not have 3rd floors, obviously) And if you had to choose, which one would you prefer and why?




  1. It depends on where the apartment is.  I would not want to live on the first floor if the sidewalk was directly adjacent to the windows, but if there was some grass or a garden in between it wouldn't be so bad.

  2. My first apartment actually jutted out at a right angle of an apartment building and had the vaulted ceilings and privacy of the top floor and the convenience of the bottom floor since it was by itself. I LOVED IT! So, having experienced that as well as now living on the top floor this is my opinion on the pros and cons:

    Top floors are normally more expensive as they can have vaulted ceilings and are considered a little more private. Some  leasing managers will try to upsale you into it by saying ohh its so much more quiet, but in reality, you are going to hear people stomping up the stairs whether you are on the top or bottom. Some people just like to stomp!!

    Bottom floors are nice. You really dont hear people above you very often and if you do its not that much more than you would hear people below you on a top floor (unless you have one of those "stompers" living above you!!). I know that I can hear the kids below me crying some nights just like I'm sure they can hear me when I on the rare occassion am arguing with my fiance. Another advantage to bottom floor is it is cheaper and if you have pets it is nice to be able to let them out on the grass rather than having to walk all the way downstairs each time. Also, if you are on the back side I really think that is the most  private as it is almost like you have your own little yard.

    As you can tell, both have some pros and cons, but from experience i prefer the ground floor.

  3. take the second floor, better view, better security

  4. 1st floor: Street noise, people looking in, footsteps of people above you, smoke wafting in from people in the street. Warmer in winter (floor above insulates you). Easier to break into.

    2nd floor: Stairs are a pain with groceries and furniture. Warmer in summer and colder in winter. No one above you, so no heavy feet sounds. Better view. More secure.

    Never do a basement: it's damp, musty, and buggy.  

  5. I guess it all depends on where you are living amongst other things.  I prefer the first floor because I have a dog, it's easier getting in and out, and I am man.  One reason women typically live "above ground" is because it's safer and they don't have to worry as much about peeping Toms.  Just my thoughts.

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