
Apartment management ordered by court to do partial payment plan and management refuses and evicts me?

by  |  earlier

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i went to court on tuesday and the court ordered my apartment complex to accept partial payment plan. the management refused and add $200 extra to the amount ordered and gave me til 6pm the same day to pay amount in full. if i was not to pay in full by 6pm...which was 4 hours after court then i had 48 hours to get out of my apartment.

i live in oklahoma.....what can i do to fight this so that no one else will have to deal with the bad management and to be able to get some of my money back for having to miss work to move?




  1. Tell the court immediatly, also get an attorney or as the others mentioned legal aid help now.  An attoryney can stop any action against you until the dust settles.  Only an attorney can represent you and talk on your behalf.  I strongly recommend a criminal law attorney.. can't tell you why..

    If a court issues an order and either party breaks it, they are in contempt of court.

    Good luck.

  2. Here in Colorado, the evicting Sheriff needs a court document in order to do a physical move-out.  If what you say is true, the landlord won't be able to get a Sheriff to do the move-out because the courts obviously wouldn't issue the move-out order.

    Take your papers to legal aid and make sure no Sheriff will show up.  You can also call the court, tell them what's going on... they will tell you "yes there is a move out scheduled" or "no order has been issued for a move out."

    Good luck!

    After this all clears out go to and put it on the web for folks to see.

  3. If the court has ordered the management of the complex to accept a partial payment plan they can't refuse.  You could take them back to court  for non compliance of the original court order.

    If they evict you in the meantime it may be considered unlawful, and you could then sue for damages.

  4. If you have time go back to court and let them know of this, also contact legal aid in you city and let them help you. good luck and god bless.

  5. as long as you have a judgment by the court in your favor, the management must abide by it since they are bound by a judges decision. in order to evict, the court has to make that decision not the management.  

  6. Talk to the court or its clerk. Your apartment manager is in contempt of court and the court won't look favorably on this.

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