
Apartment noise level help????

by Guest61078  |  earlier

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okayy well i live in an apartment and i like to play my music loud, but i don't know how loud i should keep it or put it, and it not really loud but i have speakers that have bass in the them and so it plays every song with like BOOM BOOM noises and it doesn't effect me but it prob effects the people below us and above us, and i cant turn the bass down i tried, my mom tried, even my dad tried n he used to work on computers and fix them, theres no way to turn the bass down on my computer or the speakers and im nto going to buy new speakers because theses are new




  1. if it doesnt bother people, dont bother tryin to change it. unless you have your own reasons for wanting to change it.

  2. Depending on what program you are using you should be able to lower the bass with the equilizer.

  3. Maybe you should ask people if it affects them.  

  4. WHAT?


    Seriously, go ASK them if it's a problem and then BE POLITE.

    You are aware of an invention called headphones?

  5. The obvious answer is to buy a headset.  A good quality headset will play the music exactly as you like it and bother no one but you.  I am glad you are at least stopping to think whether it bothers others.  I have lived in places where it was loud and the person playing music didn't understand why I didn't want to listen to the same stuff they did.

  6. Agreeing with the first poster.  Ask the people around you if it affects them.  I don't like music, and I certainly don't like to hear someone's bass playing in my apartment.

  7. I lived in an upstairs apartment and the lady below me would always bang on her ceiling with a broom in an effort to quiet us down.

    You just need to be respectful about your music. If its 1am then no dont play your music, obviously people need to sleep. If its 3pm then okay. You should talk to your neighbors and get to know their work hours that way your not annoying anyone who is sleeping....If they have a new baby then I would especially talk to the a mother of very fussy newborns I know how annoying that can be.

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