
Apartment question need help asap?

by Guest57437  |  earlier

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I applied for an apartment with my two friends and brother and we got approved. One problem, we have to sign the lease by Tuesday and the current tenants are not moving out before then. Is it normal to sign a lease for an apartment if you haven't even seen the actual place your moving into? Thanks




  1. No. I am also looking at apartments right now and I have seen many with the current tenants stuff still in the apartment. When a realator is selling an apartment he makes the current tenants aware that he will be showing the apartment as needed. This is not normal and I would definately ask to take a look at it before you sign anything or give any money/checks. Also make sure you have something written up saying that it is refundable if you do not get the apt.

  2. If you do sign it, I would want a clause that the lease is dependent on an inspection on your part, and if you don't approve, the lease is null and void.

    Without such a clause, I'd walk. It's great exercise, and there are plenty of other apartments out there.

  3. no not normal. make sure you see it and get the landlord to paint it / shampoo carpets for you before you move in. make sure you document any damage that is already there so he /she doesn't charge YOU for it.  

  4. Did they show you a model apartment??? They never show the actual apartment because the maintenance men need to fix it up to be moved in. My advise is to drive by these apartments at night to see what's really going on. It can seem all nice and friendly in the daytime, but at night it could be a different world.  

  5. Nope, don't do it.....if you .sign a lease before you move in  trust me you will live to regret it.

  6. I worked in property management and no you should not sign the lease until the walk through inspection is done and the apartment has been turned (painted, cleaned, locks changed or re keyed) The current tenants could have trashed the place and you would suffer the consequences. They want you to sign the lease so they can get their commission asap.

  7. Sure - I have some people that just moved in last week that moved here (Oregon) from Connecticut and they had never seen the place.

    Your signing the lease locks you in, even if you can't move in for a few days.

    You can insist on seeing it before you sign - they would just have to give the current tenants 24 hr notice before anyone can go in.

  8. Do not do this.  If you need to pay money to hold the apartment, write "100% refundable" on the front and back of the check.  Half of the questions on Yahoo Answers are from people who were "guaranteed" that the apartment would be "Cleaned, Painted, Recarpeted, Fixed" but when they got the keys nothing had been done.  THey needed a place so they took the keys but that was a mistake.

    Protect yourself.  THis is a business decision.

    See if you can talk to the previous tenants.  If the apartment has problems , they will tell you.  They will worry that you will yell at them. Assure them that you aren't mad at them. /

  9. I wouldn't. Part of your moving in process should always include a walk through prior to signing simply to record previous damages in the home prior to your occupation. Otherwise you might get charged for them when you decide to move.

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