
Apartment sharing problem, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I applied for on campus housing in a University. I have been alloted a two bedroom apartment with kitchen, hall and dining. I have a roommate whom i met through a forum and applied together with him as a roommate. The problem with the apartment we were alloted is that the bed rooms are unequal in size. one is 100 square feet and the another is 150 ( Although I had given another apartment as a choice which had equal rooms). I will be staying on campus for like three years and he too. whats the logical way to go about this?




  1. Yeah, either flip a coin, draw straws, play table football to decide ... whatever ... OR switch rooms every six months.

    I am not sure how you pay for university accommodation but if this were a private rental, you would also want to adjust the rental that you each pay to compensate - i.e. the person with the bigger room pays a higher proportion of the rent.

  2. I would say that you flip a coin or something and whoever ends up with the bigger room pays a little more in rent?  That's the only thing I can think of.  Or maybe whoever ends up with the smaller room gets more kitchen space.

  3. im not been rude but if whoever found the place first gets it the roomamte i understand is gonna be livin with u if u r the one that found it,u asked them to live with u,u should get it simple sorry

  4. You get a room each? Luxury. When I was at sea there was 68 of us sleeping and living in 1 room.

  5. What's the problem? Can't you find another room? and if you can't find or if you can't afford, so you can adjust in one room? or any one can sleep in dining or some where else? So what do you want? A luxury room or something? Adjust man try to adjust.

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