
Apastaists, or non believers in the FSM, I give you the opportunity to prove me Pastafarianism wrong?

by  |  earlier

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this is your chance.

Just post here, FSM does not exist is the same as me saying FSM exists.

So, if you want any credibility post some evidence, not your opinion.




  1. evidence ...schmevidence!  Gosh what are your day jobs?

  2. Ummmm

    I've never seen a giant ball of spaghetti and meatballs floating around....

    Proof provided.

  3. i guess if there's no evidence that something DOESN'T exist, then it must exist. thank you. i see the light.

    praise FSM!

  4. When will you evolutionarians stop asking for evidence?

  5. Ramen.

  6. I ate the evidence. I was hungry!

  7. The guy who made it all up admitted he made it all up.  Hence, FAKE.

  8. No kidding?

  9. Right or wrong does it really matter?

    If it works for you and your not hurting anyone by it including yourself, go with it.

    Only those who are insecure about their own beliefs will tell you that yours are wrong. After all what is the point of trying to browbeat someone else to seeing things your way unless you need that confirmation to bolster your own confidence?  

    Does it really matter if the story you believe in actually happened or not if it inspired you to become a better person as a result of believing it?

    Isn't that the point of life affirming religions?  

  10. What?



    The FSM will give them stale beer for the rest of eternity!

    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no flying spaghetti monster"

    -the gospel of the FSM.

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