
Apathy towards environment contributed to by fundy's dreams of judgement day?

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Do you think a large contributing factor to the apathy in America toward the degrading environment comes from fundamentalists Christians (who now have alot of clout politically). Perhaps they don't care about the environment because in their minds the world will start anew after their long awaited "judgement day". What do you think?




  1. I think you are as silly as they are.

  2. Aloha from Down Unda! [Did you mean 'Fundy'?]

    Apathy schmapathy... Clout schmout...

    The enviroment is of no consequence to Christians.

    Ossama Bin Ladin is of no consequence to Christians.

    Obamma is of no consequence to Christians.

    Billery-Hillery is of no consequence to Christians.

    Especially,  "judgement day" is 'Thee' only consequence to Christians.

    Seems like Christians are the ONLY ones that 'care' about the important stuff!

    Best wishes~

  3. If you believe that your main reason to be on earth is top procreate then you have a huge impact and may not look at the long term consequences.  But in the end you may have succeeded in your mission.

    As far as judgement day?????  No comment.

  4. Your basic idea is correct.  One major problem in the world is overpopulation.  Religion could play a major role in this, but instead the preach Gods will and wash their hands.  So sad.  The Catholic Church should really take a stand and reverse its position on birth control.  But no, it allows millions of poor starving unwanted babies in to parts on the world that are next door to h**l.  So many babies die every year because they are taken to full term, because some Pope says it is Gods will.  Makes me ill.

    There have been a few churches that seem to be on the green wagon.  But when you look close at what they are really doing it becomes evident, that is not their goal.  They are doing whatever they can to get new bodies in to the flock.

  5. Yes, sometimes Christians get caught up in not caring for the environment because God will someday soon come.  However I don't think this general feeling is a good one.  It is really bad thought process.  We need to care for what we have, and that can't exclude Christians.  Not at all.  I think Christians of all groups should care about the environment.  I know a church that is out aways in the country that sends its youth group once or so a year out along the roads to do litter clean up.  Last year they collected less garbage by several bags but quite less than in years past.  

    I hope you don't get confused by some of the tv preachers who don't always talk sence or straight.

    Yes, the world will start new, but until it does why not keep the world running in the best shape we can.  Shame on those who don't care cause the world will end soon!

  6. Wow, no offense  but you fundamentally misunderstand religion then, at least Christianity. The Bible specifically requires good stewardship of the world as a google search will show or an acquaintance with what the book says. And how can you say the fundamentalists have a lot of clout? Do they control the media, universities or Congress? Bush is hardly a fundamentalist so they don't control that office either. So what political clout do they have?

  7. either way, fundies all over support this war and anything that will bring an end to human existence because it supports their belief in God.

  8. This question has merit.  The demise of society and our planet would resemble "the judgment day" to SOME Christians (not all).  It's easy for them to say "bring on the doom" for the following reasons:

    1.  Their interpretation of the creation story in Genesis leads them to believe that they are masters over the earth, rather than stewards caring for the planet God (whatever you choose to call "the divine") created.

    2.  Christ came into the world, died, and went to heaven.  Consequently, God is not here, but exists only in heaven.  This places the importance in the other worldly rather than on the earthly, where, according to the Bible, we are called upon to model Christ in concern for the poor.

    3.  Christ's model has only been extended to care for humans, not nature (and right now, ther is nothing more poor than this planet).

    I highly recommend the book below for a more in depth assessment of the situation.

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