
Apologize to Native Americans??

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The United States Senate has passed a bill, sponsored by Republican Senator Brownback, that includes an apology to Native Americans for actions of the government toward the tribes.

How do you feel about such an apology?

What might be the outcome of such an apology?

Might it make a difference in American Indian lives?

Do you feel this is an important issue that applies to the US as a whole?

Will it help to open up dialogue about other atrocities?




  1. There is definitely an animosity between the government and the American Indians. Apologies is a good gesture but until they accept the apology and move on  then it would be pointless. Our  government will tend to favor the majority vs the minority, but they will protect the minority over the majority.

  2. I'm not trying to be insensitive here,

    But what is the point to all of these apologies?!!

    If the person who is apologizing is not responsible for the act, then the apology is hollow at best, or a weak political stunt at worst.

    Either way, the persons who did the harming and the persons who were harmed are long dead.

    get on with life.

  3. I wonder when the tribes will apologize for the scalps taken and the lives and property that they destroyed.

  4. Like what the Aussies did?

    Decode this lyrics " You raised me up"

    Luke 2.32

    In those days.

    Back in the past.

    Everyone was still primitive.

    Living in misery with communication problems.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Decode this lyrics " Hurting each other"

    Look in the real world.

    In present time.

    How did they became a "Better man" in time?

    When they were in the wild in those days?

    Do we blame one another?

    For the mess back in the past?

    Genesis 8.21

    Decode this lyrics " Don't know much - about misery"

    If today.

    There is failure with the community.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Why not fine tune it?

    In solving the misery of living human kind for the good of mankind in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men?

    Luke 8.5-8,17-10

    What do you think?

  5. An apology will at least relieve the Indians of the discrimination and atrocities committed against them.

  6. To apologize now seems a tad bit late what can it accomplish every one that was affected by the actions of the government back then are dead the people who hurt them are dead

    the government and everyone else should just let the past remain the past; it will never change what happened and apologies that are hollow are useless.

  7. I want my money, land and real freedom back. Not just an apology. Plus, the Senate of today wasn't even around, so it wouldn't apply as a formal apology. They can apologize all they want, but it won't help any unless they take some kind of physical action to go through the family trees of millions and give people their money and stuff accordingly.

  8. Why should we be apolgizing now.. The native americans that were hurt by our actions are long gone.. Talk about a moron.

  9. It is a travesty the way native Americans have been treated in this country. No amount of apologizing could ever compensate for the senseless slaughter of not just the people, but their heritage and the land we have desecrated over and again. Hopefully, we have all learned valuable lessons from this and slavery as well. Very few will argue the merits of treating others the way one would expect to be treated themselves.

  10. it would be nice for them to apologize, but what can it do? the damage has been done. My great grandmother was a blackfoot indian so i have an interest in native american culture and beliefs. Some of its amazing but the government's taken away their land, not to mention so many of the animals' habitat. What's the use of apologizing now when so much damage has been done, the elders who still had the old beliefs are probably dead....... What are your thoughts on it? you're asking others but how do you feel the government left a chip on the native americans' shoulders that still might not be restored after an apology. Most americans could care less and how could it open up to other atrocities?

  11. you say "sorry" when you step on someones feet....

    no empty apology can compensate for destroying the lives and the culture of a people I think race relation summits would be a good step toward healing wounds from oppression at the hands of the oppressors.......The best that people can not repeat the mistakes of the past

  12. While they are in an apologizing mood, they can formally apologize to the US taxpayer for the tax dollars wasted by meaningless, centuries too late legislation like this. Brownback should be ashamed of himself. He will be reelected anyway, he doesn't need to engage in brazen pandering to accomplish this.

    While we are apologizing for atrocities, I want a formal apology and reparations from the Eternal Revenue Service. Every tax return I file with them is an unqualified atrocity. I feel like a victim.

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