
Apparently, the Bronx area of New York is safer then London?

by  |  earlier

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you can walk around the streets of the Bronx for 24 hours without anyone touching you.... if you do it in London, even look at someone wrong, you get bottled....

could London soon become the new gang city?




  1. Apparently, yes.

  2. Apparently this is true, or at least New York as a whole is safer than London. I remember the guy's name who turned things around, Bill Bratton, former police chief and Vietnam vet. The so called zero tolerance policy.

    I was brought up in London, left in my mid-twenties ten years ago. London could be terrifying then but you always felt you would be alive the next day.

    (Re. we already have a militia, they are called the police. I know what you mean though.)

    Punishments are so light now, in my opinion, that the adrenaline for the mindless scum of today isn't kicking in until people have been fatally or near fatally injured.The adrenaline 'buzz' threshhold has to be reset, to the level of  thieving a car radio say.

    A zero tolerance policy in this country anyway, is my point.

      The health and safety sensibilities of this government have a lot to say about your wellbeing as far as cigarette smoke in a pub is concerned. Get bottled in a pub and the health and safety concerns are nowhere to be seen. Until of course the barstaff try to pick up the shards of glass on the carpet.

    Sorry for the cynicism, but very well placed in the UK of today. I hope myself to read other answers with more information about New York.

  3. Baghdad is safer than London

  4. gor blimey guvnor thats not elmer fudd is it

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