
Apparently, the sun is 5 billion years from dying.....?

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Apparently, the sun is 5 billion years from dying, if this is so, then does this mean the end of human kind as we know it? Or will we find another way to get around this problem?




  1. i said we should buy the nice red dwarf star, but no, you had to go with the yellow (cause it matched your teeth, I guess) and sure enough we are going to have to move.  What is wrong with a nice compact red dwarf?  Get one of those and we never have to move again, it probably will outlast the Universe.  All my friends that bought red dwarfs back when housing bang started (Big Bang), are STILL in the same place, but we have had to move again and again.

  2. We'll survive, what's with all this doom and gloom!...Humanity would be so evolved and advanced by then, we would have the technology to terraform other planets and move far away from the exploding sun or something. I think by then we would be able to easily move across the galaxy away from dangers like I dunno, but its hard to imagine what kind of technology we'd have in 5 billion years anyway. Who knows...maybe we'd be so advanced we could extend the life of our sun somehow.

  3. yes this is what will happen, it will swell to many times its current size and probably swallow us up. but come on, do you think for one second that we have the potential to last another 5 billion years as a species?

    i'd say that apart from our knack of destroying ourselves and our environment, we cannot go 5 billion years without some sort of major comet impact or something, which could wipe us out much earlier. or some other catastrophe.

  4.   It has about 5 billion years left and by that time it will have vaporized the earth and humans will be long gone.

  5. It seems pretty unlikely that we'll ever come up with a way to prevent the sun from reaching its end.  Likewise however, it also seems pretty unlikely that humanity will not have already been wiped out by then - five billion years is a lot of chances for some statistically unlikely calamity to occur.

    The good news is though, that five billion years is also enough time to leave the solar system even at the speeds we can currently attain.  There have been discussions about the possibility of "space arks" (maybe a different name, I can't remember) which are huge ships with thousands of people and many generations living out their entire lives on board over the unimaginably long journey to a new star.  The resources that would be needed to construct any also make them quite a hypothetical construct though.

  6. it won't literally die

    it will be deprives of fuel ( hydrogen and helium)

    it wud turn into a red giant

    no it isn't necessary that humans wud die only after 5 billon yrs

    the death may be early or later (very rare chances)

    might happen that humans are able to make energy form the present elements n live for some time but that's very hard to do

  7. At the rate of our current scientific and technological developement we will find and colonize other planets way way before that Sun dies, so calm down!

  8. The Sun is estimated to be halfway through it's lifespan at the moment. So in the past 4-5 billion years, the Earth was formed, life began, and humans evolved. Five billion years from now, if our descendants exist, they won't be human beings.

    And besides, asking how a problem will be solved billions of years from now is a bit ridiculous, isn't it?  

  9. It won't die in 5 billion years.  This is just the point in time when it has finished fusing hydrogen into helium, and begins to fuse helium.  At that point in time, it will swell up to the size of a red giant.  Earth's atmosphere should be fully removed a few hundred thousand to a few million years before that even happens.  There is no way around it.  On the one hand, no one can say for sure that the human species will even last that long...  5 billion years is extremely close to the "infinity" end of the spectrum of the history of life on this planet.  If we are still around, the only hope is to preform a mass exodus to a world that is habitable.  I can't conceive of any way to delay a star from doing what it does..

  10. Yes the end of life will come wit the end of the sun.But unfortunately the planet will become uninhabitable under 5 million years due to extreme climate. But don't forget,about the progress science is making in just the last ten years.

    Just imagine the technology we will have in that time.Hope fully we will have another place to live in by then.

  11. No Sun then we are dead. We may be extinct before that due to the moon moving away at 3cm a year. Still take millions of years but.......

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