
Apparently I'm a snob?

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My boyfriend (who I've known for about 4 years) always calls me a Scottsdale snob. It really bothers me when he says this. He grew up in Scottsdale too... I am spoiled and have high standards, but that doesn't make me a bad person. He has to work for everything he gets... Is he jealous? I mean, if he thinks I'm such a snob why would he date me? It's annoying that almost every time we see each other he makes the comment that I'm so Scottsdale... What should I do?




  1. Well either you really are a snob (I don't know what you mean by high standards) OR it's just a way to push your button. ex. My husbands parents insist on getting him the best of some things; he got a new truck for his birthday and later traded it in for a newer one for his graduation present, when he was skiing they bought him the best ski's, etc. But my husband also worked for alot of what he has so when anyone calls him spoiled he loses it. I do it every once in a while just because I know it'll get a rise out of him.

  2. Well if you act like a snob and he calls you one you too need to sit down and talk about it. If he dosnt stop then he dosnt love you.  

  3. When he is telling this "Scottsdale snob" then you should answer: "yes, this is why you like me". Anyways, he is "compensating", and he will continue this comments on you till he reaches his first important  "goal". I advice you just to smile at his remarks.

  4. You need to tell him this bothers you and he needs to quit.  

  5. Snobsdale!!! haha i think spoiled is more like when you act spoiled, if you are spoiled, but are still kind and generous... then no one will ever call you a snob.

  6. You should stop being such a snob.

    Maybe he says that because you say things like "eww, I would NEVER wear that.. look at her!"

    Or, "No,  we cannot go to a SALE.  SALES are for poor people."

  7. doesn't sound like your standards are that high, because you're dating a guy who doensn't love you for you.  That means you're either in it for the s*x, or because he's got money.  If it's the money, then you are a snob.  if it's the s*x, you're normal, but kinda stupid

    good luck!, and find someone who loves you for you.  it's more important than money (and sometimes s*x!)

  8. LOTS of Scottsdale are snobs but I couldn't say anything about you. My ex was Sunnyslope trash.  

  9. Well if it bothers you tell him so. I am sure he is just playing and has no clue it bothers you so much

  10. Have you ever expressed to him that it really bothers you? He could be thinking it is some cute inside joke you guys share or something. Tell him nicely that you really don't appreciate that and he needs to knock it off. If he continues to do it after he knows it bothers you, you can start a fight about it and see if that gets him to stop.  

  11. dont think yourself as one and if it really starts to bother you like your about to hit the roof then tell him how you feel about him calling you that and try to work things out hope this works :D

  12. You sound like a snob  you said it your self that you are a snob cuz you like nice things (are they like very expensive things) plus you have your parents still buying you things and even though you have a job you cant free yourself from your parents. Put yourself in his shoes. He has to work for everything that he wants and you dont have to work as hard as he has to. If you dont like what he is saying to you then let him know that it hurts you.

  13. It takes one to know one.

  14. Umm, try to live like a normal person for one day.  Don't spend more than 15 dollars on food, don't wear designer clothes, and FYI the way you speak sounds incredibly snobbish.  You act just... I don't know.  

  15. ignore him - he doesn't truly mean it.  he's just saying it to purposely annoy you.  don't worry about it.

  16. if you are mccain fan, then yes!! you are a bad person and a snob!!!!

  17. No, he's not jealous.  He's probably proud of himself because he earns everything instead of getting it given to him.  I'm like this too, I have to earn everything I have and I am not jealous of snobs.  I absolutely despise them, they are obnoxious.

  18. u r a snob!

    wat dont u get!


    put urself in his shoes!

    b more like him!

  19. Talk to him amd tell him that it bothers you. STANDARDS ARE A GOOD THING!

  20. tell him to s***w off lol

    please answer my questionn;...

  21. man you gotta fix yourself up, and get another bf

    that bf must be dumb to date  a snob

  22. You are most likely not a snob but he is jealous and you need to tell him how you feel exactly.  He should understand that his remark is hurting your feelings.  If he doesn't understand this then get a better class of man!

  23. You admit you're spoiled and have high standards. So it sounds like he's right. Doesn't make you a bad person, but if you're a snob, you're a snob. Frankly, I'm a snob, too. But I have other qualities that make me worth knowing. Odds are you do, too. In any case, if it hurts your feelings when he calls you this, then maybe you need to sit him down and talk to him about it. Tell him how it makes you feel and ask him to stop! If he's a good boyfriend, he'll stop. But, it won't change you from being a snob! LOL! Oh well. No one's perfect! Good luck!

    p.s. It is ironic so many people are picking on you here for being a snob. By definition, if they look down on you for it, they are snobs, too. Hypocrites.

  24. yea

  25. Stop taking everything that's handed to you... Make it a point to earn something on your own by working for it.... Get a boyfriend that has everything handed to him, you know, so you guys can be snobs together. Are you the type of girl that looks at someone and judges by the clothes they wear? You know, wether it's Abercrombie or "kohls"...

  26. Well, you do sound like a snob.  So I would say your boyfriend is right.  He is way too good for you.

  27. Dump him and marry me.

  28. Your profile reports you  attending the Universality of Arizona … there's certainly nothing snobbish about.that,

    Being a McCain supporter wouldn’t make you a snob or not a snob

    just one of the      r e a l    s l o w     f o l k.

    In conclusion I'm guessing it's a swallow VS spit thing.

    I bet you're probably a spitter ...huh?      

  29. Dump his jealous a**. It's not your fault that he is too immature for you.  

  30. why don't you better yourself and have your own goals for your life instead of wanting some guy to do those things for you. you are living a double standard.

  31. omg.your boyfriends   a snob! i would break up with him! you deserve someone better!
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