
Apparently cricket and rugby are having world cups. Anyone care?

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Do you think that Rugby World Cup is knocking poverty off the front page in Namibia, or that anyone outside the old colonies know about the 20 20 world cup. Doubtful




  1. The game played at the Rugby World Cup is the real deal as opposed to One Day Cricket World Cup and the new style of cricket, the 20 / 20 World Cup.  

    The difference is, this is the real version of the game and not the condensed sport which was invented to speed the game up and prepare the athletes for the longer version the true game.

    They have a sevens version of rugby but in no way should it be compared to Test Match Rugby played by 15 men / women for 80 minutes.  That is the true test of the sport.

    About political problems in Namibia, then yes it is very sad but that could go for every country that has political, economical and other social problems it is nothing new.  What should they do protest or boycott sport.  I don't think that would be fair to the atheletes.  It is not a sports problem but should be taken to a different arena.  That's why they have the Untied Nations.

  2. Actually Namibia is not a country decimated by poverty because of the number of people that go on holiday there and help to create a stable economy!

    As for the World Cups they are what intelligent people call "Sport"!


    Sport provides much needed relief for everyone from the terrible attrocities that we have in the world!

  3. if you dont like it then dont watch it

    the rugby world cup is the third largest sporting event after the football world cup and the olympics

    im pretty sure namibia field a football and olympics team too

    this site is for rugby fans not ignorant fools like yourself

  4. It depends on where you are from mate.

    If you come from a country that never makes it past the first round, then probably not.

  5. Hehehe, nice one Otter!

    I have to say, i'm not interested in rugby, but obviously i would like to see England successfully defend their title. I do however follow the cricket and would hope that we can do well there too.

    So in answer to your question, yes, i care.

  6. the only ones who don't care is the government. it stops the bad news hitting the headlines

  7. Well clearly the people in this category care. Its a sport we love and enjoy as it is for fans of cricket. No one is making any one else watch. There are lots of sporting events that knock troubling world issues off the front pages. Sometimes people need something fun and positive in their lives so not to be overwhelmed by all the worlds troubles and sadness.

  8. Rugby - yes

    Cricket - no

    I get your point about front page but normally sport is on the back and you have to have a little fun and entertainment in life

  9. you loser. im assuming your american and id like to point out that if america had any sort of a decent team that made it to the semis then everybody in that 'country' of yours would happily buy tickets to the matches and cheer on the team. dont be bitter because youre shite.

  10. As a sports fan, yes I do care, and in spite of what ignorant people like yourself think, I'm bloody enjoying it!!!

  11. I care about whats happening around the world and it always saddens me to hear about poverty and those less fortunate but Sheeesh, it can't be doom and gloom all the time. Its the news, whether it be sport, health, wealth, sickness, natural disaster, celebration. . . its all about informing people on daily topics. It's a sad state of affairs in Namibia, but there are also loads of other areas and issues around the world that need attention and the front page just isn't big enough and you'll never please everybody or ever do enough to help. So I guess in this instance, there's something on a more positive note to report, like people excelling in what they do and celebrating that . . . and guess what, it fits on the front page.

  12. Bladder infection, son?

  13. you need to chill. in this world with all its sadness and poverty, one thing most people can enjoy and does momentarily distract from the worlds issues , is sport...

  14. You miserable git.

  15. Yeah you're right. I mean we should probably ban sport altogether. And music. And theatre.

    I mean all these people having fun and forgetting daily worries for a time in the pub while they cheer on their team with some mates and go home with a buzz.


  16. Listen buddy, our entire nation is proud of our Rugby Team, but guess what, we are also proud about our soccer team, proud about Olympic participants and athletes.  And we have to read all about them on the last pages of any Namibian newspapers.

    And by the way, that's the same page where we read about the 20 20 World Cup.

    Page one of our daily newspapers is not about poverty, but about a serial killer on the loose.  Sorry to burst anybodies bubble in this aspect.

    And don't call us an old colony, because we are a new Republic.

  17. of course i care its a world cup

  18. Well I could argue against your point. There is a coup in Fiji where the government is very unstable and I think has declared or is about to declare Marshall Law. The RWC has united the country however and brought people together as well as give them something to be happy and look forward to.

    Yes the RWC is probably taking some headlines in many places in the world, but then so would the Olympics and the football world cup as well. You saying they should be banned?

    Come here to NZ and ask if anyone cares about the RWC... You won't hear the end of it

  19. I thoroughly agree, Duck.

    I personally could not care less about hyped up sports being spread about the media, masking some pretty darned important issues.

    My freinds and ex-collegues in the Mid-East (Just engineering business), could not give a stuff about the US Masters golf thing.

    They want to know what local affairs are up to.

    Quite rightly so.

    So I took up teaching water skiing at weekends.

    Do we get any encouragment of publicity for giving young folks a chance to get away from the often harsh realities of a poor village life ?

    Not a mention.

    Hey Ho


  20. yeah, it is important to keep poverty in the news-its the only way well be able to help it-but is it such a crime to let people have a good time cheering their team on?also, if it encourages young people-myself included-into sports, it will lower the obesity rates, putting less of a strain on our already underfunded yes, i do care about poverty, but the whole world isnt doom and gloom, is it?

  21. Just have a look at the impact winning the RWC had in 1995 for South Africa. I think plenty of people care, this question is rubbish and a waste of space.

    I will say however...... you raise a good point about the 20/20 world cup of cricket. Personally I think 20/20 is a joke and it is a negative concept for the beautiful game of cricket. Test cricket is the ultimate form of cricket yet it has been pushed aside by one day cricket and now 20/20!! I cannot believe they play 20/20 at international level and actually having a world cup is ridiculous. One day cricket was introduced to make more of a spectacle of the game and even that is considered too long and boring now??? 20/20 is pruely a money making tool, the game has no credibility it is all about profits.

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