
Apparently its not a urinary track infecton, so what is it?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor 2 times no and tested negative for UTI (urinary track infection), but when I pee is still has all the sypmtons of having a UTI. I don't really know what it is, but it isn't going away. please help.




  1. Sound like Chlamydia which can be quite difficult to diagnose, you should have a prescription including Azithromycin and Doxyclycline.

    Primary symptoms can be an irritable urethra and prostatitis assuming you are male. You may get early waking for micturation (pee) and feel slightly uncomfortable deep inside your perineum (between the legs).

  2. I assume your doctor did a culture and sensitivity on your urine as well (hopefully).  

    There are a few conditions that can "feel" like a UTI, one of which is called Interstitial Cystitis.  This would require a further workup with a Urologist though.  

    In the meantime, you might want to try some over-the-counter medicine called "AzoStandard."  It's quite helpful in cutting down the irritation of the urethra as the urine passes through.  As well, be sure to increase your WATER intake as much as possible.

    Best of luck!

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