
Appeal to All Youth to educate for Global Warming Awareness?

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Youth education represents one of the most effective tools to combat the destructive potential of climate change and cultivate an international understanding among members of the next generation since it is a long-term process that will impact an infinite number of future generations

The broad aim of the Area is to inculcate among the children, a sense of respect and responsibility towards the environment and build awareness among all age groups.

The Stop Global Warming Virtual March is a non-political effort bringing

Indians together to declare that global warming is here now and it’s time to act.

Learn & Practice the workshop mentioned on the website and share with others as well.

for any information , please check our website

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  1. The government youth indoctrination camps are doing their best.

  2. warming isn't a top priority of mine...wars, genocides, poverty, and aids however is.

  3. Because you have been brainwashed you feel that everyone else should be brainwashed also!

    I can no longer tolerate the type of attitude that you and your type of organizations portray.

    It is more than ignorance. It is simple arrogant stupidity!

    You will be able to continue wasting time, energy and resources on myths and convince others that these myths are in fact true through lies, deceit, lobbying, etc...

    You will never be able to change the facts however!

    The reason that your type of mentality seems to be so prevalent today, is because the media plays straight into you hands. The politicians seem to be following only because they are incapable of understanding even the simplest of matters and believe that this is what the public believes!

    Although mankind does have much to answer for in other areas(war, prejudice, tyranny, litter, etc..), we in no way are responsible for, nor is there anything that we could do to alter global climatic change.

    The only thing that you are accomplishing is to burden every honest hard working taxpayer with more worthless taxes.

    I was easily misguided when I was young and naive also.

    I used to believe everything I heard because I either wished to believe it or because I could not think that someone would actually lie to me when I never lied to them.

    My faith is in science. If you even bother to learn the basics of chemistry, you would soon see the errors in your thinking.(I'm assuming of course that you are capable of thought)

    I can almost guarantee that in another 10 years or so that you will never admit to people that you believed this garbage.

    The sad truth however is that you will have been partially responsible for the mess that you created and will be suffering along with everyone else!

    If you have a functional brain then put your efforts toward something that we do have a chance to control or improve (health and education, poverty, waste, curing cancer or Alzheimer's etc...)

    Stop being one who is following someone who is following someone who is lost!

  4. Don't you mean 'youth indoctrination'?

    Thank God for private schools!

  5. Why do so many people fall for the rhetoric and don't bother to do the research and learn the facts for their self ???

       THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING!!!!   It is the biggest scam in modern times.   Gory Gore is trying to get rich and is succeeding because people don't bother to learn the facts.

       Even if there was, money isn't going to help, the Earth is to big.  Wake up people.

  6. Isn't  "Youth Education" an euphemism for Brainwashing?

  7. Founder of the Weather Channel:

    "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in [sic] allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the "research" to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus."

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