
Appealing a ban at a Vegas hotel/casino

by Guest56115  |  earlier

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Is it possible to appeal a ban at a given Vegas hotel/casino if the banning was unrelated to gaming (that is, gambling)? Or would it be better not to try?

Basically, what happened was I found a way to use the internet kiosks at the Riviera without paying-I caused no physical damage to the kiosks themselves, and they were restored with a reboot. However, security picked me up, read me the trespass script, took my photo and information, and escorted me off the property.

If it is better not to try, how long does the Riviera and/or its parent company retain information on banned persons, if this is public knowledge? I am leaning on 'for life'.

I really would like to visit this hotel in the future, as it is home to a particular convention that I visited for the first time and enjoyed. This obviously complicates things.

Disclaimer: While I believe I was not doing anything illegal or malicious, I know that probably isn't a fact.




  1. If they have another convention next year and you want to go just walk right in and have a good time at the convention.  Chances are by that time no one will remember you or your photo and it's not like the security people will be watching for you like you robbed the place.  Beyond that, I go to Vegas a lot and never have ANY desire to go to the Rivera because there are plenty of much better hotels and casinos.  SO go other places and gamble and do your convention.

  2. You got caught doing something illegal, not paying for a service.  And it is permanent at the Riveria, plus they also send that information to other casino properties so they will be on the lookout for you, the cheat!!!!

  3. bummer.. it almost sounds like a trap for DEFcon hackers..!  

    I suggest contacting the kiosk maker in writing to advise them of the vulnerability.  With any luck, they will reply to you and you can document it.  I would then appeal to a Riviera Vice President for reinstatement in a sincere letter of apology including the documentation of the correspondence w/ the kiosk maker..

  4. The bottom line is the Riviera is not going to welcome you back to DefCon again.  They know exactly what DefCon is and because of this they have to make an example of you.  If they let you get away with it, they are just inviting someone else to push it even farther next year.

    You might be able to get away with staying at another hotel and just attending some of the events anonymously.  Don't push your luck though because now the hotel can have you arrested just for being found on their property.

  5. Thats a hard one.

    In reality it doesnt seem that you did anything bad enough to warrent a "life" sentence from the casino. Call them up and beg for forgiveness, it goes alot furthur then you think.

  6. Not only are you on The Riviera banned list but on every other hotel in Las Vegas. That's the way they do it.If you cheat in Las Vegas,no matter what or how, and they catch you, you go on every ones S--- list. They just don't like cheats, and any way you admit that you knew you are wrong to have done what you did, so now you are paying the price. But I am some what intrigued, you say you want to visit the Riviera again??WHY? when you could stay at nicer hotels on the strip nearby for the same price. I think you will be OK going to the Shot Show or the Gun Show in February. But this shows you, sometimes you can be too cute for your own good.

  7. What a clever cookie and how much did you save by being a smarta**e of all the things in Vegas to steal you stole internet time WOW i want to congratulate you for being this weeks biggest TOOL.

  8. Not worth the trouble. You are now labled a cheat. You stole services from them. You will not be allowed to check into the hotel and you might be scanned if you gamble in their casino. The convention is a different story. You should be allowed to attend the convention because that is actually a private affair. You will have to stay somewhere else.

    Your face is in the cheats data base now so do not be surprised if you are asked to leave anywhere else in Vegas also. Highly unlikely. However if you get caught again stealing like that ... I am sure they will make it a police matter and then Vegas will be only a memory for you.

  9. Banning, per se, is not a legal procedure. Riviera has the legal right to ban you, just as any business can refuse to serve you as long as they are not doing it on racially motivated grounds. It is similar to card counting or garden variety shoplifting. It doesn't matter if what you were doing is illegal or not since they Riviera has not pursued the matter as a police matter. The "ban" is simply their right as a private business to refuse service to any person.

    - You don't have legal resource since you can't prove that the banning was racially motivated. Your only hope is to write to Riviera security, offering to pay for the services that you took at no cost, and offer to make amends. Casinos pay cheats all the time to help them beef up security. They may want your advice on how to catch someone who figures out how to cheat an internet kiosk. I know I would be curious.

  10. Depends; 15 years ago I'd say no big deal.  Current day, you're in their database which is most likely shared with the other casinos.  They also work with Interpol and the US FBI.  

    If they took your info and (most importantly) photographed you...this is bad.  Not just "leave" but you got the script.  If you return, you could well be arrested and jailed. were doing something illegal.  It's called theft.  Petty theft for sure, but still theft.  No different that if you stole an item from a store or a chip from the casino floor.

    If you're h**l-bent on attending this convention, contact the convention host and explain the situation.  Contact the casino/hotel and offer to pay any and all damages.

    For those reading...Las Vegas is a great place to visit, but it's a bad place to get into trouble.  They play for keeps, and they always win.

  11. Sadly if a Hotel trespasses you there is not much that you can do.  I would reccomend contacting the hotel directly, and asking if there is some sort of 'amends' that you can make.  Ask to talk to a manager, or a security manager.  I am not sure if this will do anything for you, but it is your best bet.

    They might ask that you pay some sort of damages, but if you offer to make whatever 'amends' i.e. letter of apology, payment for IT services, promise to do no future harm, you might be able to get the tresspass taken away.

    I hope this helps!

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