
Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage ?

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I have started drinking apple cider vinegar lately and I was wondering whether it is possible to overdose it ? If yes, what are the consequences? If no, what is the recommended dosage per day to experience the benefit of it ?




  1. Be moderate about it and have two tablespoons full topped with water and sipped through a straw (to protect the enamel on your pearly whites) 3 times per day .......  have each mug full 15 minutes before eating and you'll find that the ACV (must be organic raw and unfiltered to obtain full benefits) will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and aid in digestion and help enormously in getting your body running smoothly........... so it has an alkalising affect on your body .......  there is no need to drink more than a moderate amount daily..... being excessive about anything will always produce unwanted side affects.

    check out this link, it may be of use to you ~

    oh, please ensure that you buy organic as the commercial varieties have had so much goodness taken from them that they could really never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes ♥

    Shake the bottle well too so that the Mother (active ingredient) in it is well dispersed throughout the ACV.

    peace 2 u

  2. I Don't Think is Good By It Self ! ! ! But If U'r So In 2 It, Try It On A Salad Every Day! THAT"S HEALTHIER 4 SURE!!! =}

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