
Apple IFone Question??

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id like to get this phone for my 16th birthday next week =)

just wanted to know if it is worth buying?

what features does it have, and is the all-touch screen easy enough to use?




  1. Hii

    omg its so worth it

    my best friend has one.

    she said when you text message, you don't have to type it in or something. You have this pen where you like draw it.

    Heres a site about the phone:

    and another one:

    Hope i really helped!

    By the way, happy birthday for next week! :)

  2. It's spelled iPhone ^_^

    Why the phone is definitely interesting (and popular with the kids), I can't stand the thing. The keyboard is absolutely HORRIBLE, not that this can be helped, I have yet to see a touch screen with a decent one.

    The two redeeming qualities it has is it's excellent web browser and large screen, which may be enough for some people, not for me however.

    To be honest the iPhone is mostly a status symbol. If you want to be cool, and make the other kids envious, than get one ^_^

    I'll stick with my trusty Blackberry Curve thank you! Well, at least until the Bold come out...

  3. Yeah good phone, but it lack certain features such as a video camera and the camera is not perfect, but it works well with enough light. If you're a music lover, the phone is perfect for you but if you love taking pictures, my advice is the nokia n95.  
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