
Apple cider vinegar for asthma /acid reflux/allergies?

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Has anyone tried this, I done it one today seems like I can catch my breath more after ...I am going to keep trying it to see if it helps more :)




  1. My son had terrible Asthma! in fact he has been tested for cystic fibrosis and it is almost borderline. Before I became a Certified herbalist I used sea salt and water and a drop or two of peroxide in a bulb that you get from the hospital for a baby. Shaken well and would squirt that in his nostril twice in each nostril, then I gave him Echinecia tea as well as Golden seal which is very nasty for a week or two, and he also took daily cool showers. The sea salt and water burns, but you rinse this out some, after application he also took vitamin C and cod liver oil as well.  Today he has not had a visit to the emergency room in 3-4 years and only a few nebulizers, in the years. The apple cider vinager can take the place of the peroxide. Found this remedy in the Back to Eden book. But I added the vitamin C and the Cod Liver Oil as well as the Echineaca tea and Golden Seal, which are natural antibiotics so you can only use them for two weeks.

  2. although it is always advised to see yr gp as well ,apple cider vinegar has many uses for quick inexpensive cures.ihave heard it does wonders for asthma.i use it for getting rid of post nasal drip due to pollen,used diluted 50/50 water on a cotton wool ball and apply to welts on yr skin instantly stops the itching and makes the lumps dissappear!so my advise is to stick at what yr doing if it's helping you,it gets rid of toxins in yr body as well.

  3. I have heard a lot of great things about apple cider vinegar here is a website that i like when i am looking up herbs

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