
Apple ibook Computer?

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So, I'm a student and I'm looking for a laptop to use for school, mainly for internet access and general text documents. Nothing special, no gaming, music or movies. I hear great things about Apple products and I hate Window's vista with a passion, so I'm considering an older Mac Laptop. The ibook clam-shell is really cute! Is it outdated for what I want it for? Can they access wi-fi internet? I'm really computer illiterate, so I need help! I have found multiple ibooks for $200-$400, can I get some advice? Are these update-able? I'm not interested in going to best-buy and getting a $1600 laptop just to type a research paper on....Thanks!!




  1. if u want a mac, then get one of the old ones, but vista is awesome, u can get a laptop for 450 this week at bestbuy that has windows vista, and they have newer macbooks for 800 or 900

    if they have wifi bulit in, then they can, but getting a wireless usb adapter, it will have better range. they are updatable, but not much, most likely would not work with office 07

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