
Apple seeds for birds.?

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i know that apple seeds are harmful for birds but i also heard that one or 2 seeds and hour are safe. whats considered to not be safe for a bird. how about a green cheeked conure




  1. Since green-cheeks are such tiny birds, I would highly recommend avoiding a known toxin. Even if the cyanide from the apple seeds do not kill the bird, it could certainly cause pain and/or discomfort . Toxins at any level should be avoided whenever possible.

  2. KNOWING THAT APPLES SEEDS ARE POISONOUS.. not just to birds ...but dogs .. etc...

    I guess I would say why would you want to take a chance at all.. there are so many other seeds out there that are for the propose of...

    Just like chocolate and avocados are poisonous again not just too birds but to dogs and cats...

    Please I use to own 2 gorgeous Scarlet macaws but to due  pseudomonas infection they died... or I should say I had to put them down so they would not suffer... PLEASE do not take a chance

    If in doubt... check it out.. I f you need a handbook on proper care check on line to buy a book or you local book store

    I have been studying birds for over 25 years of my life.. they are special creatures.

    PS you green checked conure is still in the hook billed species of birds or  as we say a bird.

  3. I have to agree with the others in asking you why you would even want to risk it? Apple seeds are toxic, and even if it doesn't kill your bird with a few seeds (maybe it will, maybe it won't), why would you ever want to take that chance? 1 or 2 seeds per hour does not sound very good to me. That sounds like A LOT, either way.

    There are TONS of foods out there you can feed your bird that won't have such a risk associated with them. Why not just give those to your bird?

  4. Yes.  You are correct.  Some people do feed apple seeds to their birds, though I can't imagine why anyone would.  Apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, which is a known toxin.

    I have seen information on the web, and in books, that insist apple seeds are poison, and others who insist they are great treats.

    I don't know who's right, so I recommend avoiding them altogether.

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