
Apples falling from a tree next door into your garden, are they then your property?

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  1. Yes.

  2. Yes only my neighbour is not daft her tree is in middle of her garden.She gets lovely apples & shes too greedy to give me one.

  3. Yes!!

  4. Yes once they hit your yard they are free game.

  5. Yes

  6. No,but the apples aren't going to spill the beans!

  7. yes..............enjoy your apple

  8. well duh

  9. no..

  10. if they fall in my garden then yes ...

  11. Yes! One once made a Cameo appearance into my Empire, so I scoffed it!

  12. Yes, yes, yes J.  Can I come round for the resulting apple crumble? Pretty please!   x

  13. h**l yeah.

    I mean if the neighbour was starving to death and came 'round to ask for the apples that fell from his tree, then yeah, I'd give them to the guy. ....otherwise, those bad boys are mine!

  14. Tell them first,if they did not respond ,enjoy it.

                   "An apple a day keeps a doctor away"

  15. yippee apple pie for you tonight the are all yours?

  16. Nope sorry they belong to the owner, A tree belongs to the owner of the land on which it grows. This includes the branches and it's fruit, including apples Miss J, I bet they are crab apples anyway, I would throw those back if I were you not good for cooking!

  17. h**l if they weren't then they most certainly are now.

  18. yes keep them, my neighbour has a plum tree i don't want them so i give them back by splattering them on her window x  

  19. Collect the apples and make a delicious apple pie and take half to your neighbours together with a small bowl of custard.  You will find over the next few weeks apples will fall into your garden as if by magic, as your neighbours enjoyed your pie so much they are coming out in the dark and shaking their tree.

  20. Yes, legally and morally. They are yours to munch and crunch.

  21. Any item naturally growing item that falls into your property becomes your property. If you cut it down, you must return it to its owner.

  22. That is a complex question.  BUT I happened to find exactly what you are looking for.  Click on the link below.  It resembles that question you ask.  The Fallen Fruit law.

    The two parties involved should meet to discuss the disposition of the fruit.  The location of the trunk of the tree determines the trees' owner.  So the owner has the right to his fallen fruit.  However, the neighbor who owns the property onto which the said fruit has fallen has the right to protect against trespass.  So a meeting between the two parties to discuss the disposition of the fallen fruit is the best remedy in this case.

    As for your poll, personally, I believe that the fruit would belong to the person on who's property it falls.

    But you gotta ask yourself a question:  "Which would you rather find in YOUR apple, a worm or a half of a worm?"

  23. Ah, yes, I see where you're goin' with this...the serpent in the

    First Story ever told was a lawyer!

  24. They are now.

  25. yep, unless they wish to come into my garden to get them past my cross German Shepherd dog who would l**k them to death, and he would eat all the apples.

  26. if there in my garden there my apples

      even the one i knock off by accident

  27. ...of course

  28. Yes, make up a batch of scrumpy.

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