
Application form question - give an example of when you've recieved great customer service?

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im filling out an pllicationf or for claires and theres 2 questions im nto sure on how to answer the first is

1. give an example of when you've recieved great customer service?

and the 2nd is

2. Please give an example of when you have been given responsible for something important

Can someone please tell me waht to put or give me an idea, (this is my first job and i am 16 so qustion 2 would probably have to do with something at school and not work experience)




  1. You put in what the question says. Site something like if you have taken faulty stuff back and they have sorted you out. Responsibility may be for something in school ( a role in a play, or leading a project).

    dont stress too much about these questions though. They are designed to see HOW you answer, not WHAT you answer.

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