
Applications online???

by Guest61870  |  earlier

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I applied to fye online today. I called them and I asked them if they were hiring and about the applications and he told me that they were and that I have to do it online. I've done applications online and I never get called back! I would rather go and apply in person. So does anyone know if they do actually get the applications online?If they do, how long would it actually take for them to call you?




  1. Liz,

             I apply for jobs all the time on line and have been hired by doing so. So yes they do get them. But it would not hurt to call and make sure they have received your application. Persistence will usually get you a job if not there somewhere. Keep calling them and if you don't get it go somewhere else. But don't get the idea that on line applications are over looked.

    But if you do prefer to go in person then go. Sometimes if you show up and you have a neat clean appearance that can have an impact..

  2. Yes they do get them the closes store to you will get a fax if they like you they will call you
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