
Applied ICT Single...? - A(S)Level?

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I'm going to be taking a course for Applied ICT single at my 6th form..

i wanted to know if someone could tell me what this involves..





  1. well at the moment i am currently on my second year on the course GCE Applied ICT single award.

    it is probably the worst mistake i ve made and the rest of my class agrees.

    if you enjoy nights til 3 in the morning stressing about the ridiculous amount of coursework that your given to complete in 3 months (i think overall i did three folders of work which amounted to around 400 pages of work) and you dont get the grades that you honestly deserve for the course. well for my coursework i was predicted a C with harsh marking from my teachers and the examiners still decided to down grade my result and everyone Else's in the class by 20%.

    it is definently a shock to the system after your GCSES to then go on to do such a hard/terrible course like this.

    it appears to me that no one on the board knows what their doing and also they are constantly contradicting themselves when it comes to attempting to work to the boundaries they set for you.

    i am sorry to say that i think that this course is a joke and i am now trying to pick up the pieces of the mistake that i made taking this course by putting all my effort into resubmition of my previous coursework and to get my current coursework up to a higher standard.

    im sorry that everything i ve have to say is negative

    but if you have already started the course and you are stuck with it i would say that the good point that i find about the course is all the assignments that you do are interesting and i think are really exciting. its just the documentation part that is near impossible and the fact that they expect you to have business proffesional pieces of work which i thinks an unfair standard to expect from 16-17 year old kids.

    the only advice i can give is to work hard from start to end with the course, the only way i think its possible to see results.

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