
Applied kinesiology?

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I recently went to see a kinesiologist for a skin issue that a dermetologist could never fix. Not really understanding what a kinesiology is or the procedure. He made me hold different vials to see how i react to it. We determined that i am allergic to certain foods and he told me to take 4 different herbs. Overall i was impressed w/ his work and i'm a big supporter of holistic medicine. Is anyone farmilliar w/ Kinesiology? do you believe in it? i just want to know what the general public's opinion on it. Thanks!




  1. I am not going to get into whether AK works or not.  There are a lot of basterdized versions.  Origionaly it was invented by a chiropractor named Dr Goodheart.  But much of it is not scientific at all.  If you find it helps your allergies that is great.  Dr Andrew While says he got rid of his tripping on magic mushrooms I believe.

  2. kinesiology is the study of movement.

    what he did was called 'muscle testing' to determine 'what weakens you'. its a school of thought that what isn't good for you will 'weaken' you when tested and what is good for you won't affect your muscle strength ....very little science behind it , but its prevalent in Asian medicine when applied to 'chi flow'   it takes a skilled practitioners to administer both tests and results........I studied kinesiology as a physical therapist, its not the same.

  3. I would like to set the record straight. Applied Kinesiology and Kinesiology are two very different things. Likewise Applied Kinesiologist and Kinesiologist are also two different professionals. Kinesiologists study human movement, Applied Kinesiologists uses muscle testing to determine the pathology.

    As a doctor, among the medical profession, Applied Kinesiology isn't looked upon favorably. Muscle testing is too subjective for patient and the practitioner in evidenced based studies. I've seen it done and also had it done to myself. I'm open minded, but it's not for me. I prefer dealing with traditional chinese medicine and acupuncture which is the real deal instead of Applied Kinesiology which is based on traditional chinese medicine.

  4. You'll get lots of strange answers from people who have no idea about Applied Kinesiology, so here's the answer from a kinesiologist. I'll make it as simple as I can.

    Applied Kinesiology is the art of using muscle testing in order to get responses from the nervous system and finding out how to help a client's problems. It is absolutely scientific and I can explain to you everything I do in terms of anatomy or physiology. No mystery.

    The tool of the kinesiologist is muscle testing. The principle behind kinesiology is that life, from birth on, is a series of challenges which we have to adapt to. The nerve system learns, adapts and keeps learning.

    For example, one of our first challenges is the force of gravity which we have to adapt to in order to learn to sit and walk, run etc.

    Then we have to learn to aim at our mouth when we learn to eat by ourselves. We have to learn letters in order to read and write, etc. We have to learn to control our emotions and what people around us tolerate or not. Social skills etc. All this is done by the nervous system.

    As long as we adapt and learn, we are fine. When something happens (trauma or other) and we stop adapting, we start compensating and the nervous system repeats the patterns it knows from before without learning the best way to tackle the new situation. We start repeating the past and stop learning.

    This lack of adaption causes problems, physical, mental or emotional - depending on the level where the adaption ceases to take place. If not attended to, this will eventually develop into more severe problems and diseases.

    A kinesiologist uses muscle testing to challenge the body's natural intelligence in order to track back where and when the person stopped adapting. It can be in the person's own life. It can also be that the person never adapted to a particular challenge because of inherited patterns. In that case, the cause is in earlier generations and we find that out as well.

    Muscle testing works because the lack of adaption shows as a short circuit between the brain and the muscle. When challenged on a particular problem, the brain loses temporarily control over the muscle and the muscle suddenly gets weak or blocks (= cannot be weakened).

    The challenging is usually done by touching gland or organ reflex points or areas on the body, acupuncture points etc. or verbally, by mentioning feelings or emotions or talking about stressful situations.

    When we know when and where the lack of adaption took place, we use very simple exercices to re-train the nervous system so that it learns a new and better pattern and finally adapts. Then we can continue to live the life we want without the physical, emotional or mental problem.

    With what can a kinesiologist help you? There are few limits to what kinesiology can do to help re-train the nervous system.

    There are many types of kinesiology. Some examples:

    - dyslexia

    - belief system

    - allergies

    - emotional stuff

    - mental problems

    - relationship problems

    - physical problems

    - exam performance

    - sports performance

    As kinesiologists, we use all sorts of other methods, but we muscle test to find out very precisely what the client needs. We use:

    - homeopathy

    - aromatherapy

    - hypnotherapy

    - food supplements

    - Bach remedies and many other essences

    - knowledge of acupuncture and of traditional Chinese medicine

    - brain functions


    Hope this helps you understand a little better.

    All the best!
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