
Apply for shop assistant Job?

by  |  earlier

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Im applying to New Look and a few other shops for full time work, i am 17. I have never worked before and im unsure as to what to do. Would it be ok if i sent my cv to all the shops id like to work in. Not the head office but the building where id like to work in? Help!




  1. Hi,

    Yea CV's are always a good idea, especially if you have a well written one! Also always check the website - most vacancies are posted there!! Also, always chase up the CV ask if they manager received the CV to show that you are interested and are looking for an answer!!

    Hope This Helps!

  2. go in and dropl it off,

    look smart and professional, smile be nice,

    they may give you an interview!

  3. First find out their recruitment procedures - One chain may do it all from a headoffice, whereas another chain might do it on a per store basis.  Simply call their headoffice up and ask for their human resources department and ask them.  If you send your cv to the wrong place then it will never reach the right person.

  4. Look for the websites of all the places you would like to work, all of the big stores have websites with links to vacancies and contact addresses. They may even have application forms that you can complete on-line.

    For the smaller shops, follow the advice of the previous posters, dress smart and look good, ask to speak to the manager of the store, even if they wont take your CV, they will be able to tell you were to send it and turning up in person shows that you are interested and should give a good impression.

    I'm afraid that there are not many places these days that will just start people, there are selection processes, induction courses and health and safety training that are required.

    Good luck in your search.

  5. I agree that its better to go into the shop smarty dressed. Take copies of your cv in a wallet or something and put each copy in a plastic wallet so they keep it clean. They may want you to fill in an application. If they say they have no vancancies ask them if you can leave a copy of your cv just in case any vacancies come up.

    You mentioned that you have not worked in a shop before. If they ask you if you have any experiance think of the attributues they are looking for - what makes a good sales assisant. For example you could say that you enjoy meeting and talking to new people and that you have good listening and speaking skills from (give an example for example from a project you did at school), that your always on time and reliable and flexable in covering staff shortages such as over the summer holidays. When I left uni I had no relevant experiance for the jobs I applied for so instead of concerntrating on the tasks I did in each employment I also listed the skills I developed in the hope they could see I could transfer the skills I gained into any work place.

    Good luck.

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