
Apply online or walk in to fill an appilcation: Which one has more chances of me getting hired?

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Answer with your opinion or experience. I'm applying for Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Libraries and Flower Shops, and Hospitals too.




  1. As an employer I prefer walk-in. Appearance is important for those types of jobs. I don't mean what color someone is and culture. I mean how clean they are about themselves. That is not something you can see with an online application. Good Luck.

  2. Walk in and get noticed. Gives you a chance to show your talents which on line doesn't work.

  3. I think you have an equal chance both ways. Most of the time if you come in to fill out an application, the only one who would see you would be the secretary/ assitant. The people who will be interviewing you (the boss or human resource person) typically aren't the ones handing out the applications. It might be an advantage to apply online because then they know you have computer skills.

  4. In person, definitely.  Online apps get lost or ignored.  I once got a job on the spot because as I handed in the application, I heard two managers discussing that they wished they had someone who could type.  I said, "I can type."  Their heads jerked up and they hired me right there.  

  5. Well, I'm not sure if one application method has the upper hand, but if you walk in a fill out an application, you will definitely have added a name and face to the application you are filling out.  If you dress nicely, walk into a prospective workplace and fill out the application, they are bound to notice that you made an effort and are interested in working for them.  Good luck!

  6. if i am an employer, i would prefer "walk in applicants"

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