Ive always been interested in the MOD. More specifically the Royal Air Force.
Recently ive Been thinking about signing up... Weighing up the pros and cons, but theres just been one thing thats got in the way... my mother. Im all shes got... and shes all ive got, and now i totally understand why shes so against me signing the dotted line. ive taken that into consideration and ive decieded (with unfortunate regret) not to sign up and apply.
i guess its a shame... ive spent years dreaming of being in the RAF... did my research and even studied for the interviews!
Being in the position of where i didnt know what i wanted to do with my life is horrifiying!
i recently thought about the next best thing... MDP.
i dont know to much about being a civilian officer for the MOD.
so i would appreciate any words of advice about anything your willing to give withing the MOD... such as recruitment, potential career paths, positions, anything!