
Applying for a teaching position?

by Guest33965  |  earlier

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And it states that they would like letter of interest (check), transcripts (check), Certification (check), 3 references (check), and proof of HOT.....

What is proof of HOT? I'd like to submit this application before I go on vacation and have never seen proof of HOT in other teaching ads. Does anyone know what it is???




  1. I'll bet it was a typo....most probably HQT, Highly Qualified Teacher. In our state we would need to submit a copy of a letter from the DOE stating that fact.

    Good luck!

  2. While it means Hands on Training, they may be asking for proof from the district in which you completed student teaching or any other teaching assignments in that state or other. They should have a form for you to take to the district(s) in which you student taught or taught. It's proof of experience. The district HR rep will sign off on it and you can then submit to the district that you are applying to.

  3. in my school HOT stands for higher order thinking skills.

    i would call and ask

  4. HOT stands for hands-on training. It's your practicum.

  5. Could it be HQT:  highly qualified teacher status?  In NJ that means 36 credits in your major plus passing Praxis II in your major subject.

    Or, maybe they just want to know whether or not you are hot.

  6. Call them and ask.

  7. It means how hot you are. If you are really attracive they'll keep you away from the high school boys.

    So proof of HOT basically shows that you have enough evidence to prove that they should place you in something other than a high school for a reason.

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